Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- Levi

I woke up to find myself beside the lake that I had drowned in. I saw a man standing above me looking down at me worriedly. Then I realized that I had seen this man before. The cruel man that everyone hates, but doesn't have the guts to say anything about it. It's looks as though he doesn't have a completely cold heart now with the worried expression on his face. Out of all the people here I would have thought he would have been one of the more likely people to drown me than save me.

Standing above me was the one, and the only Alpha King. Who would have thought that the horrible person screaming and ordering people around in the tent would be here looking compassionate? I look at him with curiosity and a bit of confusion. Then he looks at me and puts back up his stone cold reserve and just like that there is the cold hearted Alpha King again.

"I thought I told you not to be late to our meeting little girl."

With that said he turns around and walks away. Then I see another figure off to the side behind one of the trees. When they come out I see that it is someone with power maybe a beta, but he doesn't have the cockiness of an alpha. He walks towards me with a sincere look of worry. When he is beside me he helps me get up and we walk over to one of the trees so I can support myself on it.

"Is he always like that to everyone?" ask the man leaning on the tree across from me.

"Well if you’re talking about the worried part no, but if you are talking about the condescending part then yes. And if you were wondering I am his beta, Jackson."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jackson, I feel very sorry that you have to put up with that though. Seems like it would be a handful on the best days." I smile at him jokingly.

He smiles back at me and walks back over to me, puts my arm around his neck to support my weight and we start walking back to the gathering.

"You have no idea. It is crazy, ever since his mate died he has been like that. He wants his son to find his mate so he can take over the Alpha King position already. That is the only time I have seen him show any kindness toward someone in a long time." he says that with a look of bewilderment and curiosity.

I am shocked, I am curious to as to why also, but I want to know something else first.

"Do you know who tried to drown me?"

"No, we don't. It's odd really we didn't see any evidence that anyone had been there, no prints, no scent, nothing."

I don't know what to say to that. We walk back to the gathering in silence, contemplating over what happened. I wonder who would want me dead. The only thing I can think of is the whole white wolf thing, but the only people that know about that little detail are the rogues, and they seemed like they didn't want to kill me.

We walk to the tent where the Alpha King is already waiting with Max. He turns towards me and raises his eyebrow at Jackson.

"Nice to see that you finally made it to our meeting, but it will have to wait until after the meeting with the Alpha's. So you can wait outside the tent until we are done. I will have Jackson get you when we are done. Bye now little girl."

I storm out of the tent, he really knows how to push all of my buttons, but there is nothing I can do about it. He is the all-powerful and might Alpha King. In my head I laugh because I just met the Moon Goddess that said I was one of the most powerful wolves, well at least that I was going to be one.

At this moment I can't help but wonder about Wes' story about his mate. Was it true and if it was then why would the council kill his mate, or where they really trying to kill him and of course the most important question, will they do that to me when I find my mate?

I am brought out of my musings when I hear a familiar voice calling out to me. I turn and see Jeremy and Cindy walking toward me.

"What are you guys doing over here?"

"Well I am the Alpha Kings son so I thought he might want me over here and Cindy will be my future beta so I saw no reason she shouldn't come too."

I stare at him and then I see the resemblance, which now is uncanny. They almost look like the exact same person if they were the same age anyways.

"Why didn't you tell me you were his son? That would have been nice to know."

"Well I didn't want you to treat me any differently than you did anyone else and I didn't think it was that important at the time." he says scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Its ok, I can understand that. You don't want to be treated differently or looked at differently."

I can relate to him because it happened to me when people found out about my parents and that my brother is beta. It really sucks, I feel bad now that I did that to him.

"Thanks Sophia."

"No need I'm sorry that I did that it's just that your dad is a little intimidating." 

"Ya he isn't very approachable anymore." he says with a light laugh.

"It's hard to ever believe he was." I grumbled, but he can still hear me and laughs.

I smile a little and turn when I hear the tent open and Jackson comes out.

"He is ready for your meeting now." he says to me then turns to Jeremy, "What are you doing here Jeremy?"

"I am here to see if dad needed my help, Jackson." replies Jeremy.

"No he is trying to keep this as quiet as possible and on a need to know basis, until he gets all the information."

Jeremy nods and walks with Cindy back to their table of friends and I head back into the tent, ready for the rounds of questioning I know I am about to face on the other side.


Authors Note

Thanks everybody for reading, voting, and commenting, I really appreciate it! 

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