Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- Some More Dreams

I was running I don't k now why. I don't feel like I need to be running. I feel the exact opposite actually. I feel safe. I am running, but not in fear, but in playfulness. Someone is chasing after me, a man, but he is not a threat. He is someone I trust and love. I look back to see if he has caught up with me yet, smiling when I see that he hasn't. When I look back in front of me I'm not surprised to see he is there. He is always there. I smile again and wrap my arms around his neck and peck his lips. Then I turn around and start running again towards a cottage in the middle of the woods. The forest seems so familiar, bur at the same time not. I don't think I have ever been here before, but it feels safe, it feels like home. I go inside the cottage and wait for him to come after me like I know he will, like he always does. I go to our bedroom stripping my clothes to make a trail to where I'm going. When I get to our room I go to the bed and wait for him to come to me and.....

I wake up feeling hot and bothered. I head to the bathroom to get rid of the feeling before we leave for the games. I don't know why I had that dream, but it felt so real. I wish it was real. That life seemed so amazing and perfect.

Once I am fully awake I remember that today is the day that I am going to the games. I try to go back to sleep, but its hard when there is someone banging on my bedroom door.

"Get up Soph! You have to be ready in thirty minutes or we are dragging you out in whatever you have on, so hurry up!"

I groaned and rolled over and looked at my clock. It's five in the morning, I can't believe they got me up this early! Despite my tiredness and reluctance to get up, I go get in the shower, hoping it would wake me up. I turn on the cold water and that seems to do the trick and I woke right up.

When I went down stairs it looked like someone had prepared a feast for the whole pack. I see that one of the older women has been cooking the whole morning.

"Are we feeding an army Marie? Why did you make all this food?"

"I made for the lot of you that are going to London for the games. You will need to keep up your strength. It will be a great start into an amazing week, where you will find your mates!"

I grumble, but take a plate anyways, I am never one to pass up on her delicious food. A few minutes later the rest of the pack that is going to the games come down and pile food onto their plates. We all eat in silence not sure what to say to one another. You can feel the tension and the excitement from everyone. Well everyone except for me. I still dread the idea of going to London even though it's only hours away.

We get our luggage and pack them into the cars we are taking to the airport and head out around six. I hate whoever booked us the early flight. I am most definitely not a morning person.  We get to the airport in thirty minutes and go to check into our flight. Thankfully the Alpha got us a private airplane so we don't have to hide from the humans. This way if someone does any stupid crap we won't have to explain it to anyone.

A few minutes on the plane and I can already tell I hate flying. The plane itself is like a flying metal death trap. I will definitely need something to get me through this trip, but for now I try to sleep to calm my worries and hopefully by the time I wake up we will be in London.


I was in a hospital, I don't know why though. I look around and see him. The man that was chasing after me earlier. He is holding my hand and caressing my face loving. He is mouthing something that I think is 'don't worry baby, just calm down, everything will be alright.’ For some reason I am really angry at him. Then I feel a sharp pain to my stomach and a lot of pressure. I look in front of me to see a huge bulge in my stomach. It all makes sense now. I feel another sharp pain and a doctor comes in. Sophie you need to push now.....


I wake up with a jerk and look down at my stomach. Not pregnant. These dreams I am having are starting to freak me out. Dreams are not supposed to feel like that. They aren't supposed to feel real. I walk over to where all the alcohol is and take a few little bottles and down another right there.

"What do you think you are doing?"

I jump and bump into Alpha Max.

"I was just getting something to drink Alpha.” I replied.

"I'm sure you were.” He said smirking at me.

Now I know that he won't tell anyone. He was sympathetic for me. He knew this was hard for me. I can't even imagine he feels though going to the mating games year after year and not finding his mate.

He walks back to his seat and so do I. I get there just in time for the seatbelt sign to light up. I have a feeling that the landing is going to be the worst part of the trip. I grip my seat so tightly I think I tore it a little.

We get out of the plane. I am just happy that we are back on the ground, nothing like solid earth beneath your feet. I look around at the city of London. It's beautiful, but it is a bit dreary with the foggy look about it. Now we have to spend a few hours in a bus to take us to the mansion for our pack while the games are in session.

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