Chapter 25

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Chapter 25- Meeting the Family

We walked over to one of the rental cars that the pack had bought. Jay gets into the driver’s seat and backs out of the driveway.  Already I can tell he is one of those speed demons, because we are going 70 miles per hour in a 30 miles per hour zone. I laugh a little and he looks at me curiously.

I grip my seat and say, “Watch the road!”

He obviously did not take drivers education in high school. I sigh and relax a little when he slows down.

“So you live here in London?” I ask Jay.

“Yes I have lived here my whole life. It is a beautiful place to live. I know you will love it here.” He turns and smiles at me when he finishes.

“It will be amazing I am sure. So what is your family like?” I ask a little nervous about meeting his family.

“They are the best, and don’t worry they will love you. You already know Levi of course. There is my mom Diana, my dad, George, my little brothers Joey, Liam, and Carter, and my other brother Cane. Joey, Liam, and Carter are triplets, and they are just ten years old. Cane is mine and Levis other triplet. I guess you can say that triplets run in the family. Cane is a little grumpy at times, but once you get to know him he’s all right. My dad is just like a teenager, he loves playing pranks on all of us and my mom is like the peace keeper of the household, although sometimes she goes around the house mumbling about being the only woman let alone calm and rational person in the house.” Jay smiles as he talks about his family and I can’t help but smile too.

“They sound wonderful Jay I can’t wait to meet all of them.” I give him a wide smile.

“They will love you. Oh, and by the way don’t be intimidated by all the guys at the house, none of the others have found their mates, at least that I know of. It might be a bit rowdy when we get there just warning you just in case.”

“Jay don’t worry about it. I’ve been surrounded by guys my entire life. My brother wouldn’t ever let me leave his sight while I was growing up. I think I can handle a few rowdy boys when I have had to practically take care of a whole pack of rambunctious men my entire life.” I say to him honestly.

He growls slightly at the part where I was surrounded by men all the time. I giggled at him and he growls a little louder and I can’t help it as I burst into laughter. I lean back into my seat as the car speeds faster down the road. I try not to think about how fast we are going, because I know if I do I will get car sick. I tend to get car sick when I go on long road trips if I’m not asleep. I can feel my stomach growing uneasy already.

“Jay can you please slow down a little bit?” I ask him holding a hand over my mouth as if it will settle my stomach.

He looked at me worriedly and slowed down considerably. I let out a little groan as my stomach starts rolling. I put my face against the cold glass with the air conditioning blowing on it and my hot face.

I look over to see Jay glancing at me in concern. “Jay can you stop the car for a few minutes please.” I demanded him because I don’t think I can handle riding in the car much longer.

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