Chapter Two: Babysitter

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I woke up at around Nine Thirty, to the smell of bacon and eggs. I got up and got dressed, when I was done I went down stairs to see Ethan making breakfast. I sat on the couch with Grayson, watching ridiculousness.

After ten minutes of that Ethan announced that breakfast was done. while we were eating my phone buzzed, I looked down to see that an unknown number texted.

To Nevaeh

'Hey Nevaeh it's Pam'

To Pam

'Hey Pam'

To Nevaeh

'I was wondering if you could come over and babysit my grandchildren today?'

To Pam

'Yeah, sure. What time?'

To Nevaeh

'Does Five work?'

To Pam

'Yeah, sure.'

To Nevaeh

'Alright thank you'

With that I put my phone away.

"Hey guys, I'm going to be babysitting Pam's grandchildren today at around five." I said looking at them.

"That's cool." Grayson said.

"Yeah, I heard that Logan and Jake should be there today, Maybe I could meet them." I said a little excited.

"Oh yeah, they're so cool you'll like them." Ethan said, while Grayson agreed.

"Yeah." I agreed, while putting my plate in the sink. "So they're not creeps are they?" I asked.

" Of course not, they're actually really funny, and a lot of girls like them." Ethan said.

"Probably because Logan has more muscles than John Cena." Grayson said laughing.

Hmm that's cool I hope I don't end up liking them. I thought to myself.


I went up to my room and began my studies, I want to be a coroner, Ya know like the people that determine cause of death. By autopsies and stuff. It seems gruesome but it's actually cool.

I logged on and started taking a quiz on the human bones and muscles. Sometimes anatomy sucks, it's super hard. I was aiming towards a bachelors degree in Pathology. 

After I finished, I looked at the time to see that it was already Four Fifty, I jumped up and got ready to head over there. I told the twins I was leaving and then headed for the door. I walked across the street and knocked on the door. Pam answered and let me in, leading me to the living room where two little girls were.

"Girls this is Nevaeh, your babysitter for the day, Nevaeh this is Sophia, and Isabella." She said pointing to the two young girls.

Sophia looked around four years old, and Isabella looked probably six or seven.

"Hello girls." I greeted.

"Hi Nevaeh." They said together.

Pam told me not to let them eat too much, and not let them out of my sight. She also said that I could help myself to the kitchen. Which I don't ever do.


It's been about an hour after Pam left, and i decided to see what the girls were up to.

"Hey girls.' I said.

"Hey Nevaeh." They replied.

"What are you up to?" I asked them.

"We're playing ponies, do you want to play with us?" They asked.

I decided since I had nothing else to do I might as well play with them.

"Yeah sure, can I be Applejack?" I asked.

I have a Seven year old sister lol.

"Yeah." Sophie said handing me Applejack.

I started making Applejack gallop around, playing with Sophie and Isabella.


It had been thirty minutes of playing Ponies, when I decided to see if they're hungry.

"Hey, are you Hungry?" As soon as I said that the door flung open to reveal two super attractive men, who looked at me in confusion.

Sophie and Isabella jumped up and ran to greet them.

"Uncle Jake Uncle Logan, I missed you." They screamed.

I stood there awkwardly until I introduced myself.

"Hey I'm Nevaeh, Ethan and Grayson's Cousin, I'm babysitting Sophie and Isabella." I said looking down.

The shorter blonde one wouldn't stop staring at me.

"Well hey Nevaeh, I'm Logan and this is my brother Jake." He said hugging me.

I blushed and looked Jake who just stared at me.

"Jake, don't be rude." Logan said.

Jake then blushed and walked over to me and hugged me.

"I'm Jake." He awkwardly said.

"Hi Jake." I replied. "Do you guys wanna hang out tomorrow?" I asked them.

"Yeah, That'd be great." Logan said.

"So, are you guys hungry?" I asked the girls again.

"No thank you Nevaeh." They each replied.

Soon enough Pam walked through the door.

"Hey boys I see you met Nevaeh." She said smiling at them.

"Yeah, we're actually going to hang out with her and the twins. tomorrow" He replied.

"Oh well that's fun" She said hugging them. "Oh and thank you so much Nevaeh you're a life saver." She said smiling.

"You're welcome, i'm usually free if you need me again." I said.

"Alright well thank you." She said as I began walking out of the house.

As I was walking towards the house, I felt really awkward, mostly because of how attractive Jake and his brother Logan was, well mostly Jake. I got to the house, and walked in. I saw the twins sitting on the couch.

"Hey I'm back." I said shutting the door.

"Hey." Grayson and Ethan said.

I went up to my room and began playing with my Cockatiel not being able to wait until tomorrow.


Hey guys, two updates in one day i'm proud of myself lol. well I hope you're enjoying the book so far.

I love you guys and thank you for reading.

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