Chapter Seven: The Silent Treatment

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I woke up to see Ethan in my room. He was sitting in the chair in the corner of my room on his phone.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked him.

"Because I felt bad that no one has told you yet." He bluntly said.

"Told me what?" I asked, sitting up.

"Well Jake has been using you, he's had a girlfriend for a while now, at first I thought you knew but I figured out you didn't. I'm really sorry about him though." He said making eye contact with me.

I looked down feeling completely heart broken, well I can't say heart broken I barely knew him I wasn't in love I just had a small crush, well a kinda big crush. I should have known that I couldn't trust anyone. I looked back up at Ethan, who was looking at me waiting for me to respond.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I just want to be alone right now please." I asked him.

He just nodded, stood up, and walked out of my room. I layed my head down and instantly started crying. I wasn't sure if I should confront him or ignore him.


I felt my phone buzz so I checked it, it was Jake.

To Nevaeh

'Hey babe, do you wanna hang out?'

I ignored it and put my phone away. I decided to get up and check my Cockatiels food and water. Her food was fine but her water was dirty.

"Hey Hope, do you want me to change your water baby?" I questioned knowing she wouldn't answer me.

I walked to the bathroom to change it, just as I entered my phone buzzed again. I looked to see it was Jake.

To Nevaeh


I ignored it again and continued changing her water, I walked over to the cage and slid the water in and walked to my bed. I layed down and turned the TV on. Jake texted me again.

To Nevaeh

'Are you ignoring me??'

I decided to answer him this time.

To Jake

'Leave me alone.'

I replied putting my phone down.

To Nevaeh

'What did I do?'

To Jake

'Just leave me alone please.'

I waited for him to reply but he never did. Next thing I know Logan texted.

To Nevaeh

'Hey, i'm coming over.'

To Logan

'Ugh no leave me alone.'

After I sent that message Logan walked in my room and sat on my bed staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What did Jake do?" He simply replied.

"Why does it matter?" I said

"Because he likes you a lot, and hes crying right now because you won't talk to him. And trust me Jake never cries, especially not over girls." He said, looking at me like I murdered his entire family.

"Well I guess that makes two of us." I said. picking up the remote and changing the channel.

"Nevaeh!? What did he do that was so bad?" He screamed at me, grabbing the remote.

"Well I don't know Logan maybe leading me on, or using me, or whatever he's trying to do." I said angrily.

"What, that's ridiculous, what makes you think that?" He asked.

"Logan why didn't you tell me he had a girlfriend?" I questioned him.

"What do you mean girlfriend?" He said.

"Ethan told me he has a girlfriend." I said, almost crying.

"Oh, okay." He said, getting up and walking out of my room.

Really he's just gonna leave like that, what a gentleman. I thought to myself. All of the sudden I heard Ethan screaming for Logan to let go of him, right before the front door closed. I looked outside to see Logan pulling Ethan by his shirt, over to his house.

I got up and ran outside, all the way to their house. I let myself in and saw Logan holding Ethan in front of Jake.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled at Logan, who didn't let go of Ethan.

"Well I found out why Nevaeh is ignoring you." Logan said to Jake.

"What? Why?" He asked, looking at me.

I looked away from him still angry.

"Well it turns out someone" He put emphasis on the word 'someone' while looking at Ethan. "Told Nevaeh that you had a girlfriend." He said, finally letting of Ethan.

"What? Ethan how could you do that?" Jake asked getting angry.

"Because I don't want her to date you." He said.

Jake pushed Ethan out of his way and walked over to me.

"Nevaeh, I don't have a girlfriend, and i'm sorry that he lied to you." He said sadly.

"No i'm sorry I believed him, but that doesn't mean that you can put your hands on him." I stepped to the left to make eyes contact with Logan, which caused Ethan to laugh.

Everyone started laughing.

"So to make things clear I don't have a girlfriend... unless.. you ya know want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Oh um I uh Yeah." I said, causing both Ethan and Jake to shout. "What!?"

"I said yeah." I said smiling up at him, who was already smiling at me.

But Ethan was not smiling.


Oh my gosh! Yay they got together.

I'm not sure if it's too soon but who cares I like it. And hopefully you guys do too.

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I love you guys thanks for reading.

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