Chapter Twenty: The surprise

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I woke up at around Nine and got up to get ready for the day, as I grabbed clothes to get in the shower I looked down at noticed roses that I had missed earlier. They were leading from the bed to the bathroom I looked at them for a second before following them.

I slowly opened the bathroom door and saw a shirtless Jake sitting on the toilet lid, he was on his phone but when I opened the door he jumped up, and walked over to me. I noticed the bathtub was full of bubbles with rose pedals and the lights were off. He slid my shirt off of my body and then untied my pants.

After I was undressed he picked me up and set me in the tub he undressed himself and then sat down behind me in the tub. "What is this Jake?" I asked.

"A little eight month gift I suppose." He said, kissing my back softly.

"I love you." I whispered.

"And I love you." He said grabbing some bubbles and rubbing them on me.

"Oh I feel so clean." I said sarcastically.

"Shut up and enjoy the bubble bath." He replied laughing.

I leaned my head back onto his chest and grabbed his hand and placed our hand right below my chest trying to get comfy. I went under the water to get my hair wet and when I came back up Jake poured shampoo on me.

"Oh my gosh you scared me." I said to him.

"I'm sorry." He replied laughing.

I rubbed the soap in and started cleaning my hair, I went back under water to get the soap out. I felt Jake start to get out of the water I looked back and questioned what he was doing but he didn't answer me. He just dried off and started getting dressed but before he left he grabbed some more roses and leaned down to whisper something.

"I have a surprise for you darling." I shivered and I felt his breath on my neck.

He walked out of the bathroom and I heard his footsteps going downstairs, I wandered what he was doing for a minute before I got out and dried off. After I was dressed and was done brushing my hair and teeth I walked out of the bathroom to see the roses from earlier gone. But there was now a new trail.

I started following them and picking them up as I walked, when I looked up I saw the most gorgeous dress ever sitting on our large couch. I instantly feel in love with it, I noticed a note from Jake that read be ready by one Logan will pick you up, I love you honey. Aw how cute is this. I thought to myself.

I ran upstairs to put the dress on It was short and blue luckily I had matching shoes, I wonder what we're doing? At about twelve fifty I heard a knock at the door and went to go see who it was

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I ran upstairs to put the dress on It was short and blue luckily I had matching shoes, I wonder what we're doing? At about twelve fifty I heard a knock at the door and went to go see who it was. I opened the door to reveal the happiest Logan I had ever seen. He hugged me and lifted me off the ground.

"Oh my gosh, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm so excited Nevaeh." He almost screamed.

"For what?" I asked which faded his smile.

"Oh he didn't tell you where your date was did he?" He questioned.

"No." I replied.

"Oh well you'll see, do you wanna grab extra panties you might shit yourself." I couldn't stop laughing when he said that.

We jumped in his car and started going to... well i don't know exactly. But the car ride was exciting and also nerve wrecking, I didn't know how to feel but it must have been something big because when we went to dinner Logan never freaked out from excitement.

We pulled up to what looked like a large arena, I looked over and saw hundreds of screaming and crying girls who were holding all sorts of one direction posters. Then I suddenly remembered that there was a One Direction concert tonight.

I almost died and to make everything better I saw Jake in a tux well sort of like a not so formal tux, but still a tux.

He smiled at me and kissed me softly he thanked Logan and we headed into the Arena, I was so excited and on top of that we had front row seats

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He smiled at me and kissed me softly he thanked Logan and we headed into the Arena, I was so excited and on top of that we had front row seats. After several minutes pasted I heard four familiar voices shouting and running out onto the stage.

"Oh my gosh Jake! Oh my gosh One Dir-fricking-rection is right in front of us!!!" I said jumping up and down. He just laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I was having the best time singing along with all of their songs, and Louis and Harry kept looking at Jake which I thought was weird but I was so hyped I didn't even care. After they sang little things my heart stopped. Not because I was at a One Direction concert, not because Jake was next to me but because Harry fucking styles looked down at Jake and I and said.

"Hey Love would you like to come on stage?" He questioned, but I just stared at him with wide eyes and my jaw on the ground.

"It's okay you can bring your boyfriend too." Louis added.

Jake started laughing at me and grabbed my hand to lead me to the stage.


Alright so you guys are going to fricking love the next chapter Oh my gosh but i'm sad because there are only a few more chapter to write.

I would put a sad face but I prefer writing on my chrome book not my phone, and there was a shortage on my keyboard only the 5 and 6 keys work and of course the parenthesis are under nine and zero. But i'm sure you've noticed that because I never use the number keys which is annoying as shit.

But vote and comment for more.

I love you guys thanks for reading.

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