Chapter Fifteen: Birthday

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So today was my birthday I didn't ask for anything because I never made a huge deal about my birthday, I was just appreciative of my friends coming over for a party and some cake. I love cake so much.

I got out of bed and fed my bird, after I did that I got in the shower, ever since last week with Jake every time I got in the shower all I could think about was the way he touched me, and how he made me feel.

I craved his touch like it was the only thing keeping me alive, he made me so happy I couldn't imagine a world without him. Well he was my world, I found myself smiling in the shower while washing up. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, to my surprise Jake was standing there holding a towel for me.

He was watching my naked body while I dried off, "Happy birthday baby doll, I love you." He whispered kissing my neck.

"Thank you." I replied kissing him softly.

I dried off and got dressed I walked down stairs with Jake after I brushed my hair and teeth. When I got to the bottom I saw only the Dolan twins. "Where is Logan?" I questioned.

"He's getting your gift." When Ethan said that I got pretty angry and just stared him them.

"What?" Grayson asked.

"I told you I didn't want a gift." I said to them.

"Well it was your boyfriends idea." I looked over at Jake who was staring at Grayson.

"What the hell, i'm going to murder you." I said laughing.

I pulled out my phone and dialed McKenzie's number to invite her over. After inviting a few people at around five I sat down and held onto Jake. I turned to the TV to see that American horror story was on, I kept watching because it was Coven which is an amazing season.

After watching that for about three hours I looked to see that it was already Two. I heard the door open but Logan was holding anything, and why was his mom with him?

"Hey happy birthday Nevaeh." Logan said, coming to hug me.

"Happy birthday dear." His mom said.

"Oh thank you guys." I replied smiling.

"Oh yeah sorry Nevaeh, happy birthday." The Dolan's said, looking guilty.

"Yeah, thank you." I replied. "I thought you said Logan was getting my present." I asked.

"Yeah turned out they didn't have it ready until next week." He said, rubbing the back of his neck it was obvious he was lying but that's okay.

"Hmm okay." I replied.


It was five and some of my friends started coming over there was McKenzie, Abigail, and Margret. And the twins invited some people as well, they were both names Jack, one was Jack Johnson and the other was Jack Gilinsky. I had only met them once before, they seems pretty cool people.

Jack Johnson was a little but shorter than the other Jack, He had blonde hair and brown eyes. Jack Gilinsky had naturally brown hair which was died blonde at the moment, and he also had brown eyes, he was very tall.

Everyone told me happy birthday and I thanked them all. We all sat down at the table while everyone sang happy birthday to me I blushed and put my head down. When they finished I blew the candles out and wished that I could have Jake forever, I looked over at him and kissed him.

"I love you." I whispered, so no one else heard.

"I love you too baby." He replied.

"Now before we eat cake, it's time for presents." Logan announced.

"Noooooo." I complained.

"Yes now McKenzie first." McKenzie said, in third person.

She pulled out a green box and handed it to me, it contained a two piece necklace that said best bitches. I laughed a little and hugged her, "Thank you Kenzie." I told her.

Then it was Abigail and Margret's turn, Abigail handed me a large gift I unwrapped it to see it was a huge box of all junk food it had a whole bunch of chocolate bars, sour candy, hot candy, chips, little Debby's, and more.

"Oh my gosh guys, thank you so much." I said, smiling at them.

"No problem girl." Margret replied.

Jake awkwardly handed me a large looking present. I started crying when I saw that it was a photo album with pictures of my childhood, to pictures with my parents, the twins, Logan, and finally lots of pictures of Jake and I.

"Oh my gosh Jake I don't know what to say. Thank you so much." I said, practically jumping on him.

"You're welcome darling." He replied.

"Oh my gosh i'm so excited, so the twins, Jack's and I all pitched in to buy you this." Logan said, trying to contain his excitement.

"See I knew you were lying earlier." I said, laughing a bit.

Logan handed me a small box, I slowly opened it I was nervous and excited at the same time because Logan looked pretty nervous. And everyone knows the best for last, I don't see what could be better than Jake's gift.

Once the paper was off I opened the small leather box to reveal car keys. My heart dropped because they weren't just any car keys, they were fricking Chevy Camaro car keys.

"Oh my god Logan, I can't except this these are like thirty thousand dollars." I said, with wide eyes.

"Well it's outside do you wanna see it?" He asked me.

As soon as I heard him say that I jumped up and ran outside with everyone following me. It was just like bumblebee from 'Transformers' I didn't know what to say it was so perfect.

I turned around and hugged all of them, I couldn't believe they got me this I could never amount to this.

After I fangirled about my new car we all went in and ate some cake.


I told Jake he could stay the night if he wanted and of course he did, it was about ten at night and Jake and I were cuddling. He had his hand on my waist, but he slowly moved it down to my hips, then to my outer thigh moving to my inner thigh. I leaned over to kiss him, which led to me on top of him and us making out.

"Are you ready for your special birthday present?" He asked, sliding my shirt off causing me to giggle.


Yay it was her birthday I hope you liked this chapter, sorry there wasn't any smut I don't really wanna write that kinda stuff for this story. It's more romantic than sexual.

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