Chapter Sixteen: Six month

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Two Months Later

I woke up super excited for the day it was really special, It was our six month anniversary. I knew he was planning something but I wasn't sure what it was. I had tried calling and texting him but he wouldn't answer me at all.

I decided to go down stairs at about three to make food the Dolan's went out to spend the day with friends. You looked over and saw a package It had your name written in black sharpie, You slowly opened it hoping Jake wouldn't jump out and yell 'surprise'.

There was something in a plastic bag, you immediately opened the bag revealing a beautiful Black dress, It had flower laced sleeves. And It puffed out at the bottom which ended right above the knee. It also came with matching black laced shoes.

There was a note that said 'Be ready by Seven darling, I love you. Happy Six month.' He was so adorable.

I instantly started getting ready for our date, even though it was four hours away I want to look perfect for him. I ran up stairs to take a shower and get freshened up for today. After I started applying make-up and putting the dress and shoes on.


I heard a knock on my door right on cue, I opened the door to find a nervous dressed up Jake holding roses. His breath was shaken as he spoke, "Happy six month anniversary honey, I love you so much and damn you look so beautiful." He said, not taking his eyes off of me.

I started blushing then he handed me the Roses. "For you my darling." I nearly fainted.

I invited him in and headed to put the roses in a vase which I took to my room, I added water then headed back down stairs. Jake grabbed my hand and lead me to his truck he buckled my seat belt for me and gently kissed my cheek, before closing the door.

He grabbed my hand while he was driving and kept whispering sweet things to me, after about twenty minutes of driving we finally arrived at a fancy Italian restaurant. We went in and were seated I couldn't stop staring at him he just meant so much to me. 

After we got our food he started asking me about my day.

"I had a good day, I missed you but how was your day?" I asked, smiling at him.

"I missed you too, and pretty exciting it took a while to plan the.." He stopped and just stared at me.

"What? To plan the what??" I asked curiously.

"Nothing baby." He said, looking down.

I was super curious as to what he was talking about but I knew I would find out sooner or later so I just let it slide.


After dinner we were heading somewhere other than home, this must have been what he was planning I had butterflies in my stomach from excitement. He slowly stopped the truck in a meadow, but not any meadow this was where we had our first date.

He looked at me and then got out of the truck and walked to the other side to open my door. He pulled out blankets and pillows unlike the last two times we did this he layed them on the ground, probably because there were flowers everywhere and they smelled and looked beautiful.

We both layed on the blanket and I cuddled to him and layed my head on his chest, we layed here like this until I nearly fell asleep. Looking at the stars was both relaxing and beautiful. Suddenly Jake sat up and I sat up with him wondering what he was doing.

He looked at me and began talking, "Nevaeh in the last six months You have made me fall deeply in love with you, you always make me smile you don't even have to be near me just the thought of you is enough. I love how happy you make me and how happy I think I make you feel. I want you to be mine forever until the day I die, I wanna make you happy everyday for the rest of your life." By this time I was in tears. 

"And I can't wait until the day that I see you walking down the aisle in whatever beautiful dress you pick, you're always beautiful no matter what you're in." I could hear his voice cracking from also crying.

"So Nevaeh Ann Summers until that day i'm making a promise to you today that you will be my wife and we will have beautiful children." He said, pulling out a Promise ring. I was no longer crying I was sobbing, I jumped in his arms and he held me until I calmed down.

"I love you so much Nevaeh." He said, still crying.

"I love you too Jakey." I laughed kissing him, he pulled out the ring and placed it on my finger. I held him close and kissed him all over.

I'm so glad I found him he is the only one for me.


Oh my gosh did anyone else almost cry.

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