Chapter Eleven: The Arrival

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I woke up super excited to get on the plane to Florida, I must have fallen asleep on Jake. I slowly got up trying not to wake him.

"You two are cute." I heard Logan say behind me, which caused me to scream and fall off the bed.

Jake jumped up and helped me stand up, while Logan was laughing his ass off.

"Gee thanks Logan." I said, laughing.

"Are you guys ready we're leaving soon." He asked.

"No I haven't had a shower." I said.

"Me neither." Jake said.

"Ooh well unless you're taking a shower together, you best take quick showers." He said, walking out.

"Well I can just shave when we get there." I said. "I'll be quick." I added kissing his cheek running to the shower.


After Jake and I took a shower we went down stairs with our bags. We headed to the truck with the others. We were off to the airport.

When we were on the plane, everyone was just talking. I was in the back with Jake to my left and Logan to my right. And the twins were in front of us. The plane ride was sorta boring at least it was only a few hours, but it gave me time to talk to Jake. He was holding my hand and I had my head on his shoulder.

I felt the plane landing, so everyone started getting their bags and heading off the plane. Ethan and Grayson had already had a rental car so we got in and headed for the Condo. I loved looking around it was so beautiful, I felt someone grab my hand and I looked over to see Jake smiling at me.

We finally got in our condo which was huge, It had three bedroom, a bathroom in each, a huge kitchen, living room, and porch.

I walked into our room with Jake and layed on the bed with him. "Hey we're going to the pool." Ethan said, walking out with Grayson and Logan.

So I guess that meant I had some alone time with Jake, I leaned over to where he was laying a softly kissed him. When I tried pulling away he wouldn't let me. So we ended up making out on the bed. I felt things starting to get heated, so I slowly pulled away.

I wasn't sure if he was ready or not but I wasn't. I just didn't know how to tell him, I think he got the hint though.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"No you're okay." I said, kissing his cheek getting up going to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure." He replied, obviously still a little embarrassed.

I walked over to him and put my arm around him. "It's alright, I promise." I said, trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah." He said, kissing my forehead.

I walked back to the kitchen and started making a sandwich for Jake and I. I walked back to the room and handed him his sandwich, and a drink.

"Thanks babe." He said, taking a bite of his sandwich.


Well yet again another short chapter I apologize I just couldn't find a lot to write about.

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