Chapter Thirteen: Back Home

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Movie spoiler for Captain America: Civil War, so just skip paragraph two there's nothing really important in it, just spoilers.

It was about seven when I suggested to everyone that we watch Netflix, and of course everyone agreed. I stood up and declared that I picked the first movie, I scrolled through the movies until I found 'Captain America: Civil War' I've only seen this movie once but it was so good.

It got to the part where the guy told Iron Man that the Winter Soldier is the one that killed his parents. And everyone started fighting. I hated this part Because I loved Captain America and I also loved Iron Man, I didn't like when Captain America was beating the shit out of him.

I layed my head on Jake's shoulder and wrapped my arm around him, I slowly started to drift off in his arms.

When I woke up Logan was carrying me to my bed, he layed me down and tried to turn away, I grabbed hand and asked, "Where are you going baby?"

"Whoa Nevaeh, Jake's in the bathroom." He said, chuckling.

I sat up and looked at him, "Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry." I said blushing.

"It's okay." He replied laughing.

Jake walked over to me and jumped in bed next to me, "Damn Nevaeh, you hitting on my brother?" He asked, while laughing.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't open my eyes I just assumed it was you." I said, feeling bad.

"It's okay, i'm not mad, I don't have a reason to be I trust you." He said, cuddling me.

We almost instantly fell asleep, when we woke up we had to start packing because yet again we were woken up last and our flight left in an hour. I started grabbing all of my clothes from the drawer, and then headed to the bathroom grabbing everything else.

Once I was done I noticed Jake was taking forever so I started helping him pack up his toiletries. We made our way to the rental car and headed for the airport, once we got there we got on and went to our seats. We were in same order as last time except the twins were in the back behind us.

I couldn't stop staring at Jake, Telling him that I love him was all I could think about. I tried distracting myself from it but it didn't work.

"Alright, tell me why you won't stop looking at me?" Jake questioned, turning towards me.

"Because you look cute with messy unbrushed hair, this is embarrassing but I really like looking at you, you're just so cute." I said, I wasn't completely lying he did look really cute today, well he looks cute everyday.

"Well for the record, you're cute too Nevaeh." He whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek.

"Oh whatever Jakey." I said, poking his cheek.

After I realized what I just called him I blushed but didn't look at him. But he was staring me down.

"I'm sorry." I said, looking at him.

"Don't be it's cute." He said, starting to blush.


We made it back to our houses, and after unpacking I went over to Jake's house. I knocked on the door and Logan answered.

"Hey Baby." He said, making fun of me for last night.

I started blushing, I punched his arm and started laughing. But you know nothing can hurt Mr. Muscle Man. Omg did I really just call Logan Mr. Muscle Man.

"hey, where's Jake?" I asked.

"In his room." He replied.

"Okay well, i'll see you later loser.

"Hey!! You watch your tone Missy." He screamed.

I turned around a blew a kiss at him. Hopefully he didn't take it the wrong way. I got up to Jake's room to see he was laying his bed trying to sleep.

"Can I join?" I asked.

"Yeah babe." He replied, scooting over knowing that I was planning on sitting on him.

I got on his bed and sat on him, I layed my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. After about thirty minutes of laying like this, I checked to see if he was awake. I figured this would be the perfect time for me to tell him I loved him, because I would feel better knowing I told him. I would also feel a little bit better knowing he didn't hear me.

Man girls really are complicated. I thought to myself.

"Jake, I love you so much and I wish I wasn't a chicken and could tell you this while you're awake." I said, looking at my hands playing with his shirt.

Just as you finished saying that you saw Jake's eyes open really wide. You started freaking out on the inside, scared of his reaction.

"Um, i'm sorry I-I uh-" Jake cut me off by putting a finger on my lips.

"Shh." He said, pulling me off of him as I started to cry.

He turned to face me in the bed putting an arm around my waist, He wiped the tears off my face with his thumb. He pulled me closer to him and whispered in my ear. "I love you too Nevaeh. Promise you'll always be mine?" He questioned me.

"Of course Jake." I replied, connecting our lips.


Hey guys i'm so excited she finally told Jake and he said it back. This makes me so fricking happy.

Alright so I'm about to write the last chapter of this book either right now or tomorrow.

So I will start writing the Logan Paul fan fiction sometimes in the next two days but I'll let you know. So since almosy all the chapter are written I'll be writing chapters for the other story while still updating this book.

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I love you guys and thank you for reading.

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