Chapter Twenty Five: Honey Moon

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I had always talked about having my honeymoon in Venice Italy but I never thought that Jake would actually take me there.

It turned out he had already had everything set up for us he had a house, events planned out, and even food places.

We hopped on a private jet that he had rented for us. I couldn't believe he did all of this for me.

"So you did all of this for me, well I mean for us?" I corrected myself.

"No, I did do it for you I would have been okay with a plane but I wanted to make sure you were happy. And I too have wanted to visit Venice." He said, pulling my hand to his lips looking into my eyes.

"Aw hon, as long as I'm with you I'm happy I don't care if we had to walk, hell we could have just stayed home." I said smiling at him.

"Oh shush." He said laughing.

It had been a long day we had a party after the wedding and of course Kenzie caught the flowers when I threw them back. But after the party we changed and went straight to the jet.

I layed my head on Jake's shoulder and he rested his head on me. I closed my eyes and grabbed Jake's hand, then I fell asleep.


I woke up to Jake gently shaking me. "Honey we're here." He whispered in my ear.

I sat up and grabbed my luggage, Jake didn't have much and knowing me a girl, I had a lot so he grabbed one of my bags so he was holding two and I had one.

I never really argued over who held my bags because I always lost. We stepped off of the jet and there was a fancy looking car waiting there for us.

"Is that ours?" I asked in disbelief.

"Mmhm." He answered.

"Wow you really went all out." I whispered to myself.

We got in and Jake told the driver where to go, he started driving and I looked over at him and smiled.

It wasn't a long ride but we made it to this gigantic house, and walked inside I walked around checking out all the feautures. it had only one bedroom but it was huge I mean huge, and the livingroom was three times as big.

I walked into the restroom and looked at myself in the mirror. "Do you want to go swimming there's a pool in the back, well and a hot tub." Jake said from the bedroom.

"Wow really?" I asked going outside to check. "Well you didn't tell me I needed a swim suit." I said confused.

"Because you dont." He whispered in my ear, unbottoning my pants from behind me.

"But what if someone sees us?" I asked, turning around stopping him.

"There's no one around to see us." He replied, continuing to undress me.

We both got undressed and got in the pool, it was a little weird at firast but we got used to it. We weren't really swimming just sitting in the water holding each other until it got too dark.

We walked in and headed to the bedroom leaving our clothes outside by the pool. I think we both knew what about to happen after all it was our first night as husband and wife. Why not celevlbrate it?

I pulled him to the bed and began kissing him, he grabbed me and sat me next to me. He climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck.

He brought his hands down to my area and softly rubbed it trying to arouse me more. I let out soft moans he kissed me once before aligning himself with me.

He pushed in slowly it's been so long it's like the first time all over again. It started out a little painful, but after a few seconds it started to feel good.

His thrusts got faster and faster until my moans were so loud that Logan could probably still hear us. I brought my lips to his neck sucking softly causing him to moan slightly louder. But then again his moans were more of just heavy breathing, with occasional sound.

I felt myself coming closer, "you almost there?" He whispered.

"Yeah are you?" I asked.


A few seconds went by and he placed his fingers on my clit and gently rubbed it, I've Learned that he does that so we can cum at the same time. He doesn't like to cum first in fact he never has.

"I'm gonna cum."

"Me too." I gently whispered before moans and his name were the only thing I could get out of me.

After we finished he layed next to me and gently kissed me.

"I love you." He whispered, before falling asleep.

"I love you too." I replied, joining him in sleep.


I woke up to a sleeping Jake I stared at him and thought about how happy he made me. And how happy he looked ever since I came into his life.

I smiled at this wonderful man in front of me, whom I'd spent the rest of my life with.


The end.

Well I had fun writing this guys be sure to check out my other story, I hope you enjoyed this book I'm really proud of it. I hope you are too. Now if you want good quality books make sure to check out kenzie17 she's my bae.

Well thank you guys for reading you're the best. I'm sorry it was a short book and that I ended it like this but this is the first book that I wrote that I actually finished so I think it's pretty good.

But I love you guys thanks for reading this book.

By the way I'm gonna start publishing my new book called 'Him' today. Hope you like it the updates will be weekly like 3 times a week maybe because I'm writing slowly.

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