Chapter Twelve: The Beach

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So today everyone was going to the beach I was excited I loved the beach, I just don't go very often.

This is so funny because I live in South Carolina and after a while the beach isn't all that great XD.

I went to our room and saw Jake was about to change, so I went to the bathroom in our room to change. I put on my bikini which was gorgeous, it was mostly made up of green and had a pretty design. But it was laced in the middle showing a little bit of my breasts. I was nervous though, I mean Jake has never seen me without a shirt or pants.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Jake sitting on the bed in his swimming trunks, looking at his phone, he looked so cute without his shirt on

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I walked out of the bathroom to see Jake sitting on the bed in his swimming trunks, looking at his phone, he looked so cute without his shirt on. He looked up at me and started eyeing my body. I got nervous and walked over to where my clothes were and pulled out a shirt and some shorts.

I sat on the bed next to Jake and looked at his phone, he was looking at Pewdiepie's Instagram. I started laughing a little when I saw a picture of him and Edgar, his dog.

"What?" He asked.

"It's just funny how much we have in common, I love Pewdiepie." I said, still laughing.

"Really?" He asked.

"Of course, now let's go to the beach." I said, while pulling him to the door.

We all grabbed a towel, and Grayson grabbed some blankets we could sit on. We headed out to the rental car and all jumped in, again I was in the back with Jake to my left and Logan to my right.


We made it to the beach and started laying blankets down, we threw our towels on the blanket and went over to the water. It was freezing just like always, I went to stand next to Jake I grabbed his hand and we started walking into the water, which was colder than my sole.

He wrapped his arms around me and we just stood there watching the waves, and looking at the never ending ocean. I was cherishing this moment, being with him made me so happy even if we were just standing here, admiring the beauty of the ocean. I turned around and looked in his eyes, holding him.

I loved him so much, I still don't know if I can tell him, I mean i'm sure he'd love to hear it, but I don't want to scare him away. And I certainly don't want him to think i'm lying because it's so early.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

Oh no what do I say I can't tell him that i'm thinking of how to tell him I love him, then he'll know. Oh I got it. I thought to myself.

"Oh, just thinking about how handsome my boyfriend is, and how lucky I am." I replied, kissing him.

"Aw, baby you're so cute." He said, kissing me all over my face.

No you're the cute one. I thought.

We went back to the blanket and layed down next to each other. We were talking when all the sudden he looked behind me and had the most terrified look. I looked behind me and saw a girl walking our way.

"What?" I asked worriedly.

"Um that's just my ex." He said, looking away.

"Do you wanna run?" I asked laughing.

Just as I said that I heard a girl behind us.

"Hey Jakey." She said.

Oh my gosh, did she just call him Jakey? I don't even call him that. I thought to myself.

"Hey Cindy." He said, obviously uninterested, he didn't even look at her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing." He rudely replied, looking at her this time.

"You don't have to be so rude baby." She replied, making me step in.

"Can you please go fuck yourself, he obviously doesn't want to talk to you." I replied, looking at her.

"And who are you?" She asked.

"She's my girlfriend." Jake replied.

"Well nice to see you downgraded." She said, walking off.

I went to stand up but Jake held be back. Jeez what a bitch. I thought.

"I'm sorry about that." He said.

"Don't be it's not your fault, you had a bad taste in women." I said, complimenting myself.

"Hey look whose talking." He said, referring to Tyler.

"Haha true." I replied, laying my head on his chest.


When we left the beach we decided to go to Starbucks, and like always I got an iced caramel macchiato and so did Jake. We all sat down at a big round table, so everyone could sit, we talked about everything that could come to mind while drinking our Starbucks. When we all finished we headed to the car to go back home.

We went to the beach at about one and stayed there for about 5 hours, and we were at Starbucks for an hour and a half, so we've been gone for about seven hours, and everyone was wore out.

I went straight to the bedroom and plopped on the bed, as soon as we got home.


Hey guys so i'm excited for the next chapter I can't tell you why but you guys will love it. Well unless you don't then idk.

So my bird is laying eggs again, it's so annoying because she won't eat, and she just sits in the corner before it's layed, and then she protects it. Like she doesn't understand that the eggs are infertile, and they're not going to hatch.

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