Chapter Seventeen: Jake's Birthday

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I love Alissa I just needed to pick a girl that Jake was friends with.

So Today was Jake's birthday and I had been planning a surprise birthday party for him, I got the twins to take Jake out to breakfast for his birthday. I went over to Logan's and we started setting everything up, we hung up some lights and banners that said 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE'. We also had a cake in the oven, I was super excited.

After we set everything up we had already called some friends to come over, we called the jacks, Alissa, his mom and dad, and a few others I didn't know. I was waiting for everyone to get here before I call the twins and tell them they could come back with Jake.

I was super nervous and I really hoped I bought the perfect birthday present for Jake it was really special, It was a gigantic Red Glass heart that had a love note that I wrote for him engraved in it. The note said.

'I've loved you since I first layed eyes on you, you mean everything to me without you I am nothing with you i'm something.

I couldn't imagine a world without you because you are my world, and without you it's dark and grey.

Till this day I still get butterflies when you kiss me, hug me, touch me, or even just flash me a smile.

I love you with everything I have I want you to know you stole my heart and I trust that you won't drop it because just like this heart it is very fragile.

I love you more than there are fish in the sea, clouds in the sky, cells in your body, and words written

I hope this made you smile I love seeing you happy and I love your beautiful smile.'

As everyone started arriving I called Ethan.

It rang a few times before he picked up.


"Hey you can bring him home now." I said.


"Okay well text me before you get here." I replied.

We hung up and I stood on top of a chair.

"Alright so Jake is on his way now Ethan should text me when they're close so we can get into position." I said, before jumping off the chair.

"Who are you?" I heard and obnoxious voice from behind me.

"I'm Nevaeh Jake's girlfriend, who are you?" I politely questioned her.

"Whatever." She said, walking around me making sure to bump my shoulder.

Well she's obviously a bitch. I thought to myself.

My phone buzzed and I saw it was from Ethan.

To Nevaeh

'Around the corner get in places.'

As soon as I saw the message I shouted everyone hide he's here.

I ran to hide in the bathroom by the door so I could see him when he came in. A few minutes past before the door opened, I told everyone to wait until the door closed to jump out and yell 'surprise' so we would be in sinc. I saw the door close and everyone jumped out and yelled 'surprise'. He looked so surprised and happy I hugged him from the side and whispered.

"Happy birthday baby I love you."

"Aw thank you honey I love you too." He replied kissing me.

Jake walked in and greeted everyone I found out the names of his friend's I didn't know there were three Mark, Amy, and Carl. I noticed when he greeted Alissa one he seemed awkward and two she was flirting with him big time.

I decided to step in. "Hey sweetie, are you enjoying your party?" I asked, while putting my arm on his shoulder.

"Yeah hon thank's this is really awesome." He said looking down.

"Yeah, can I talk to you?" I asked.

I pulled him to the side and began interrogating him. "Alright. Who is she?" I asked him.

"She's nobody." He replied still not looking at me.

"Really Jake she's flirting with you like a lot, you're awkward around her, and she was a total bitch to me when I spoke to her." I said, making him look him.

"Well.. we had a thing before you and I met.. and she's not one to accept being denied. I have feeling for you and not her." He replied kissing me.

"Okay well i'm sorry let's go do the cake and presents." I said, hugging him.

Everyone walked over to the table and sat down, I counted everyone off to sing 'Happy Birthday' to Jake. After we sang Logan cut the cake and gave one to everyone, I made sure Jake got the first bite because I threatened to kill someone.

After the cake we all sat down and started handing Jake presents First was Logan, He started unwrapping it to find a necklace that had 'Bro' on it and Logan pulled out another necklace and it was the other half that had 'ther' Written on it.

After everyone handed out their gifts I stood up to give Jake my gift.

"Sorry It's really fragile." I said awkwardly, because I was holding it weird.

Right after I said that someone grabbed the gift from me. "You can't have him Nevaeh he's mine!!" Alissa screamed at me before throwing the gift on the ground, I tried to grab it but it was too late.

There was a huge crash probably because the glass heart was the size of two of my heads. I suddenly felt an anxiety attack coming on. Oh my god no not here please not here. I thought to myself. The twins and I had a code word for when I was about to have an anxiety attack and unfortunately it was potato.

I looked up at Grayson and said Potato right before I fell down I felt someone touching my face telling me to breath and they were trying to get me to stop crying. I looked up and saw one of the twins my vision was too blurry to see which one it was.

"Okay everyone needs to go in the other room now!" I heard another twin yell, it sounded like Ethan but I was more focused on how embarrassing this was.

Whichever one of the twins was with me who I was assuming was Grayson picked me up and sat me on the couch with me in their arms. I clung onto him and started bawling my eyes out.

"Nevaeh calm down." Grayson said.

"I can't I spent so much time on picking that out for him it was like four hundred dollars, it was special and on top of that I just ruined his birthday Grayson." I replied sobbing.

"You didn't ruin his birthday Alissa did, we made her leave though." I heard Logan say.

I felt him stand me up and bring me into a hug. What the shit would I do without Logan? I thought to myself. I eventually stopped crying and sat down on the couch and told them everyone could come back in.

Jake ran straight to me and started questioning me left and right.

"Are you okay? What Happened? Do you want me to take you somewhere? Why did you have an Anxiety attack?" He asked way to fast.

I looked at him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry Jake I just have those sometimes but i'm fine, and no I want to stay with you." I replied.

"Don't be sorry can I still open it?" He asked looking pretty sad.

I wonder if he could still read it? I thought to myself. I agreed and he put it in his lap and started unwrapping it. When It was unwrapped I tried to put the pieces back together so he could read it. I think it worked because he looked at me and smiled. "I love you so much Nevaeh."


Once again I love Alissa but Alissa is the bad guy in every Logan or Jake Paul fan fiction lol. This was a super long chapter.

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