Chapter Eight: Dinner

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I woke up at around 10:00. Last night Jake came over and we hung out for a few hours. He must have went home after I fell asleep, I still can't believe he's my boyfriend now. Even though it's almost been a month.

Ethan and Grayson opened my door and smiled at me.

"Hey Nevaeh?" Ethan said.

"Hey." I replied, still angry at him.

"So I decided that since I can't leave you and Jake alone, I thought I could take you to dinner to make up for it?" He asked.

"Well yeah sure." I said, not looking at him.

"I really am sorry." He replied.

"Okay." I said.

Ethan left but grayson stayed.

"See I told you I could through to him." Grayson said laughing.

"Yeah after he lied to me, and almost made me ruin things with Jake." I replied laughing back.

Yeah it was a while ago since he lied about Jake, but he still never apologized for it.


It was about 5:30 when I started getting ready for dinner with Ethan and Grayaon.

I put on a light purple dress with matching shoes.

I Was pretty excited I mean I love food especially free food. But of course I had the intension of helping them pay whether they agreed or not.

I walked down stairs and they we're ready. They looked rather nice tonight. We walked out to the truck and jumped in.

The car ride consisted of Justin bieber, and Jason aldean, kind of a weird mix but I love pop, and country music.

We finally arrived at the restaurant and were seated. After everyone ordered we decided to talk about random things.

"So Nevaeh, are you going to see your mom soon?" Grayson asked.

"Yeah I will probably sometime next week." I replied, taking a drink of my water.

"That's cool." Ethan said, I wasn't sure if I was mad at him still, what he did was bad, but not bad enough to hold a grudge.

"Well, I just want you to know that I'm not mad anymore." I said, looking at Ethan.

"Well that's good. I honestly don't even know why I lied, I feel terrible about it." He said, looking down in his lap.

"Well don't, it's alright Ethan." I replied, trying to comfort him.

He looked up and smiled at me just as our food arrived.


We were almost ready to leave when someone walked to our table.

"Well hello there Nevaeh." Tyler said.

"What? Pushing me into a glass table isn't enough, you have to follow me around?" I rudely asked him, getting up with the twins to leave.

"Well that's no way to treat your boyfriend now is it?"

"You're not my boyfriend Tyler, now leave me alone." I firmly replied to him.

We walked out to the truck and began driving home, they still wouldn't let me drive which made me angry but it wasn't my truck, I couldn't say anything.

While driving home a noticed a car that was behind us just about the whole drive home. It looked odly familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

It was a blue Chevy comaro, I tried to think of everyone who had one, my old neighbors had one, Oh and so did Tyler, I remember I was so angry because I've always wanted that car.

That's when it hit me. " TYLER!!" I shouted almost making grayson crash.

"What!?!?" Grayson screamed at me.

"Tyler is following us, he doesn't know my new address." I said frantically.

Grayson looked at the rear view mirror. "Don't worry if he comes to our house we'll just call the police." He said not seeming to worry at all.

We arrived at our house and Tyler got out and walked up to me. Just as I saw Logan and Jake make their way over to our house.

"So this is your new place?" He asked, getting closer to me.

I'm pretty sure Jake remembered Tyler. "Yeah, what's it to you, dick brains." He yelled at Tyler.

"Well you see, this is my girlfriend." He said putting his arm around me.

"I'm not your girlfriend." I said, trying to push him off of me.

Thats when Logan walked up behind him and pulled him to the ground from the back of his shirt. "You might wanna leave little man remember what happened last time?" He said pointed to Jake, who looked Mega pissed off.

After I got Ethan to call the police without tyler knowing I went over to Jake to comfort him.

"I'm not leaving until Nevaeh agrees to be my girlfriend." He said.

"That's not gonna happen she's already my girlfriend." Jake said, trying to walk to Tyler, which I had to hold him back. Which trust me wasn't easy.


After the police took Tyler everyone went inside their houses, I was so excited for tomorrow it was our one month.


Sorry I know this was kind of a short chapter but hey, at least I updated.

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