Chapter Four: Shopping

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I woke up to Ethan shaking Jake and I awake.

"Hey, Nevaeh, Jake, get up." Ethan said a little angry.

"What?" I asked.

"Jake has to go home." Grayson said.

Jake then got up and apologized to Ethan and Grayson.

"I need to talk to you later." Grayson told Jake.

"Yeah, okay." He replied walking to the door, and leaving.

Ethan looked at me in disapproval, "What the hell Nevaeh?" He asked.

"What? It's not like we were having sex. We were just cuddling and watching movies, and we just so happened to fall asleep." I defended.

"Nevaeh, you can't like him, and you can't be with him." He said sternly, causing me to laugh a bit.

"You can't tell me who I can and can't like Ethan!" I yelled.

"What?!?!" He screamed.

"You heard me, I cant control who I like. It's not my fault." I said walking to the stairs.

"Nevaeh!?" He called for me.

I pulled out my phone and texted Jake, He gave me phone number last night.

To Jake

'Hey i'm sorry about Ethan'

To Nevaeh

'It's fine babe'

Did he just call me babe? I thought to myself.

I heard a knock at my door, someone opened it and it was Ethan and Grayson.

"Hey i'm sorry for being a dick Nevaeh." He apologized rubbing the back of his neck.

"You're not a dick Ethan, you're just being protective, but I promise I can take care of myself." I replied making him smile.

"So you're not mad?" He asked.

"Hmm let's see you embarrassed me in front of Jake, and made him leave embarrassing him." I said laughing.

"Can we take you shopping?" Grayson finally said.

"Yeah sure just let me get ready." I replied.

They left so I jumped in the shower and did my daily routine, putting on nice clothing.

I walked down stairs to see Ethan and Grayson ready to leave. We walked out to the truck and got in. While we were driving to the mall Grayson struck a conversation.

"So you really like him?" He asked.

"Well I think so." replied.

"Why?" He questioned.

"What do you mean why?" I asked.

"I mean, why do you like him?" He repeated his question.

"Well I don't know, from what I've seen, he's funny, sweet, and kind. He's got the sweetest personality, I love when he smiles, it's so adorable, and his laugh is even better, he makes me so happy and he's all I think about, but it's weird because I've only known him for a few days. it's driving me crazy." I replied

"Awe that's the cutest thing ever Nevaeh." Ethan said.


When we got to the mall I jumped out and ran in. I loved the mall and shoes, and clothes, and shoes, and shoes, and more shoes. We walked to the shoe section and my heart melted when I saw the cutest pair of shoes. The part that covers the toes and the back was a pretty tan grey color, and the rest was black.

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