Chapter Twenty One: The Proposal

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So for some reason chapter 20 is the last chapter so you have to read that to know what's going on.
I was lead onstage by Jake who couldn't stop smiling, I thought I would be the one smiling like an idiot but I was just too shocked.

Jake looked at them and started thanking them. Harry hugged me and I instantly started crying, and hugged the rest of them.

"So what's your name?" Harry asked.

"Nevaeh." I blushed.

"That's so beautiful love." Louis said, making me blush even more.

"Well I'm Harry this is Louis, Liam, and Niall." Harry said, pointing to the boys.

"Yeah." Was all I said moving awkwardly.

"Well someone has a surprise for you Nevaeh." Niall said.

"What I thought this was the surprise." I said turning around to see Liam handing Jake a microphone.

He looked at me for a few moments then at the ground and back up before speaking.

"Nevaeh I know we've only been together for eight months, but I've loved you since the day I walked in and saw you babysitting my nieces. I remember our first kiss and how it felt, I remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend, and I remember when I gave you that promise ring. But I'm sorry to say that I have to take it back now. You deserve something bigger and better such as this one." He said, getting down on one knee before me.

I felt the tears forming in my eyes I didn't know how to feel right now it was so exciting. I looked at him fumbling trying to get something out of his pocket.

He pulled out a leather box and opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring.

"Nevaeh Ann Summers, will you do the honor of becoming miss Nevaeh Ann Paul?" He questioned, with tears in his eyes.

I put my hands over my face and tears started falling, I looked back at him and said.

"I don't know what to say."

"Well you could say yes." Harry said.

"Yes of course Jakey." He stood up and picked me up I had my face in his neck. "I love you so much Jake." I said crying.

"I love you too darling." He replied also crying.

"Aw this is so adorable. I'm so happy for you two. Can we see the ring on?" Louis asked.

Jake pulled the ring out and slowly slid it on my finger, and I imagine it was hard because my hand would not stop shaking. I held it up to the camera so the crowd could see it. Everyone started screaming.

I didn't know what to do all I know is that I hugged and thanked the Boys and then Jake picked me up and carried me bridal style to his truck.

He started the truck and headed home, I couldn't stop staring at my ring and touching it.

"Do you like it?" Jake asked.

"Oh I love it." I said smiling hugely at him.

When we got home there we're the twins, Logan, and kenzie at our house.

"Ooh let me see." Logan said but was pushed out of the way by kenzie.

She grabbed my hand and her eyes popped out of her head when she saw the ring.

"I know right?" I said.

"I just want you to know that there is two of us and that is our cousin and I think you get the hint." Grayson said smiling.

"No bitches I will kill you if you hurt her but we're here to celebrate so let's celebrate." She yelled hugging both of us. "I can't wait for your babies." She said making us both blush.

"Kenzie stop!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry I just love you and Jake and babies.


Sorry I couldn't think of much to write but how was this chapter?

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I love you guys thanks for reading.

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