Chapter Six: Sick

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Sorry I couldn't find a video with just one vine.

I woke up feeling like shit so I decided to stay in bed. I think the twins got worried because they showed up at my bedroom door.

"Nevaeh? Are you dead?" They asked.

"No, but I think i'm dying." I replied rolling over.

They opened the door and walked in, "Oh gosh, you look terrible." Ethan said.

"Gee thanks, Ethan." I replied. "Oh and i'm gonna ask Jake to come over, please let him in."

"Oh whatever, I guess." He replied.

I took my phone out and began texting Jake.

To Jake

'Hey Jake'

To Nevaeh


To Jake

'Do you think you can come over I don't feel good?'

Gosh I hope he comes over I really wanna cuddle. I thought to myself.

To Nevaeh

'Yeah i'll be right over.'

To Nevaeh

'Okay thank you.'

I put my phone away and waited for Jake hopefully he would make me feel better. I heard a knock on the door and Ethan opened it. And then there was a knock on my door.

"Hey beautiful?" He said, looking down.

"Hey." I replied trying not to blush too much.

"Do you want me to make you toast, and sprite?" He asked, reading my mind.

"Will you please?" I replied.

"Sure, be right back babe." He said walking out of my room.

"Thank you." I said.

I layed back on my bed and was thankful for having Jake, he was so kind to me. I wish I could trust guys though. I think I can trust him it's just that, I feel like I wouldn't be good enough for him because I would always worry about getting hurt. I suddenly got a text from a random number.

To Nevaeh

'Hey babe, miss me?'

Who the hell is this? I thought to myself.

To Unknown

'Who is this?'

To Nevaeh

'That's for me to know and you to find out, see you around.'

Hmm I wonder who that was? I thought.

Jake walked back in my room with a plate of toast and cup of sprite. I think he knew something was wrong by the look on my face.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just got a weird text from a random number." I replied.

"Let me see?" He asked.

I handed him my phone and he analyzed the text.

"Hmm that is weird, I wouldn't worry about it though." He said handing me my phone.

"Well okay." I said eating my toast.

I turned on a movie and cuddled up to Jake who held me. I hated feeling this way it was so terrible. I was sweating, my stomach hurt, my throat hurt. Ugh I just want to feel normal again. I think I might take a nap on Jake hopefully he won't care.

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