Chapter Fourteen: First

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Hey so there is some dirty stuff in this chapter, just a warning. And sorry i'm not an expert on writing smut.

I woke up with Jake next to me I couldn't help but to stare at him. I know it's weird but he is just so cute especially when he's sleeping. I got up and walked to the restroom to take a shower, next thing I know someone wraps their arms around me from behind.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispered in my ear. "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking a shower." I said, turning around to kiss his nose.

"Can I join?" His question caught me off guard, we had been dating for three months but still haven't seen each other naked, or really done anything.

"Sure." I replied blushing.

He started taking off his basketball shorts since he was already shirtless. I joined him in undressing, I was so nervous I had always been self conscious about my body in my eyes I was too skinny, I was underweight by ten pounds. And didn't have much of a booty, I suppose my boobs were a normal size, but I wore padded bras to make them look bigger.

Once we undressed and the water was on, Jake started kissing me softly, leading me to the shower. We stepped in and I poured some shampoo on his head, and started washing his hair. He just stared at me and smiled. Next he started washing my hair, I never knew how fun taking a shower with someone could be.

I had an extra scrubby so I put body wash on it and handed it to him. "Sorry it's a little girly." I said laughing.

I grabbed my scrubby and started washing myself. And after taking showers on my own for almost Nineteen years I could get my own back but I asked him anyways, he didn't seem to mind. He started washing my back, and after there was soap all over he dropped the scrubby and started using his hands to spread the soap out.

He started at the top of my back and slowly made his way down to my butt, he grabbed it softly, placing kisses on my neck. I let out a small moans causing him to bite my neck and suck a little bit, making me moan louder. He reached around to turn the water off and threw a towel at me.

We both dried off and then he picked me up and carried me to the bed, this would be less awkward if we weren't naked. But I was excited only in more than one way. He climbed on top of me and pulled the blankets over us in case anyone walked in, He started kissing me and slowly started moving down to my neck, my nipples, and stopped right above my area rubbing my inner thighs softly.

He slowly made his way down to my area and wrapped his lips around my clit, moving them slowly using his tongue a little. I was trying to be quite but it felt so good, He licked me and then entered me with his tongue. My breath hitched and my hands found his hair which I played with, I was scared I would hurt him if I pulled it.

He came back up and lined himself up with me. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Mmhm." Was all I could get out.

He nodded and slowly eased himself into me, it hurt at first and I think he noticed because he started out really slow. Once I moaned he started speeding up the pace, making my moans more and more frequent. I brought his face closer to me so I could kiss him.

I could tell me was getting closer when he started slowing down and getting sloppy, I lifted my knees feeling the orgasm coming closer.

"I'm alm-almost there." I barely got out. 

After I said that he moved his fingers to my clit playing with it, after a few seconds we both announced our orgasms with moans. I tried to be quiet but it was hard with him egging me on by rubbing my clit vigorously. The only thing I could get out besides moans was Jake's name, I was hoping no one was upstairs because of how loud I was.

When we finished he rolled over and started laughing at me.

"What?" I asked out of breath.

"I've just never made a girl moan like that before, and i'm pretty sure the whole house heard us." He replied, still laughing.

I began laughing with him. "Probably, maybe we shouldn't go out there, they'll start making jokes all day." I said, kissing him.

"Eh who cares they're probably jealous." He said, leaning over to kiss me then jumping out of bed.

We got dressed then headed down stairs. I heard Logan start laughing then say, "Oh Jake, Jake harder baby." Which made everyone laugh except Jake and I who were blushing. "I would ask if you had fun but damn Nevaeh." He said continuing to laugh.

It was past breakfast time so I suggested that everyone go on a walk everyone agreed and we headed out the door.


Well that was interesting to write they finally made love.

So I started writing the Logan Paul history teacher book, it would mean a lot if you guys could check it out.

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