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King Adam sat at his desk in his office as the sun slowly rose on the horizon, shining beams of orange and pale yellow onto his papers.

"Adam?" a small, yet confident voice called, making the king turn to face his wife.

She held their toddler son, Prince Ben, who he hoped would be an ever better king than him.

"Belle, sweetheart, you shouldn't be out of bed this early." he said, his eyes filled with worry for his queen.

She scoffed.

"There are only so many hours even I can stand reading books, Adam." She said, making him smile.

She walked over, slightly rocking Ben in her arms.

"But I've been thinking, the villains have children right? All of them as precious as our own, Adam. We can't let them suffer on that island." she muttered, staring down at their son, who was slightly awake.

Adam looked from his wife to his son, feeling his heart drop.

He hasn't thought about the kids of the villains.

What had they done to deserve to be stuck on the island?


"Belle, I couldn't agree with you more. Those kids don't deserve to be left on that island to live out their lives with their parents." He pointed out, making a smile appear on Belle's lips.

He smiled back, kissing the top of her hand before kissing his own son's head.

"We could even take one in to show the kingdom that they aren't dangerous." He continued, making Belle smile even more.

"Maybe a girl?" she questioned, making her king smile.

Both loved their son dearly, but both agreed in their minds that they also wanted a daughter, even if she wasn't biologically theirs.

"Of course. A sibling for our little Ben." She gushed, lightly dabbing her finger to her son's nose.

His little laugh filled the room as the captain of the guards walked in, saluting the king.

"Your Majesty, what are your commands?" He asked, making g Adam stand.

"I want you to take all villains to the island, but take their children back here, I don't want them punished for something their parents have done." He declared, making the guard nod.

"Your wishes will be obeyed." He answered before leaving.

Adam and Belle smile fondly at each other, glad that they made this choice.

The guards had set out to the cells holding the villains, finding that a good amount of them had children.

As guards collected the toddlers to newborns, the villains at the end of the hall were getting nervous.

"Our plan will never work if they get them." Jafar pointed out, looking down angrily at his son, Jay.

Evil Queen watched as her little blue haired girl fiddled with a lipstick she gave her to distract her.

"We need to keep them away from the guards." She agreed.

Cruella just stared down at Carlos, her child with all white hair with black roots.

"They can't get my Carlos. Who's going to do the things I want when he's older?" She questioned.

Meanwhile, Maleificent glared down at her daughter, who was just a small child.


She had very short purple hair, and was already a pain in Maleificent's opinion.

But she knew better than to throw away a great opportunity.

"I can only hide one child, and I'm hiding my own." Maleificent hissed, earning the attention of Mal, who stumbled over, landing hard in her mother's lap.

The Evil Fairy shoved her child back to her feet.

"What?! Why can't you hide Evie?" Evil Queen whisper shouted angrily, seeing the guards getting closer and closer.

Maleificent rolled her eyes.

"You cannot do this to us. What happened to our plan?" Jafar asked angrily while Cruella plays with Baby, her stuffed puppy.

Yeah, that doesn't sound creepy at all right?

Maleificent didn't take the time to argue any longer as she used a spell to hide her daughter, making her only visible and audible to her.

The guards walk right by her cell, not even checking.

Would you have?

She is one of the worst villains out there, would you be able to imagine her with a child?

Yeah, neither could they.

However, they did see Jay, Carlos and Evie, and they took them away without hesitation.

The villains looked after their children, only thinking about how their plan had failed miserably.

Maleificent however stared down with a smirk at her daughter, who was now sitting down, playing with a tiny version of her mother's staff.

"I have big plans for you, whether you know it or not yet. But once you're old enough, my plan will take way, and you will be the start of a brand new world, one where there is no one to force us into the shadows."

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