Chapter 11

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Mal walked out and found everyone talking. She was annoyed at all the smiles, but she had to push through. Evie and her quickly became close. Evie helped Mal push through. Everyone seemed very excited. "What's going on?"'Mal asked.
   "Family Day is tomorrow and there's a tourney game today!" Evie exclaimed. Mal nodded, understanding there was no use in her being excited for Family Day. She looked around and finally spotted Ben.
   Mal walked up to him. "Hey," she simply said. "Oh hey," Ben replied. "Want a cookie? I just made them." Mal offered, smiling. "I'm sorry, but I have a game and I usually don't eat before one." Ben smiled apologetically and turned to leave.
   "I understand. I'm sure everyone knows not to eat something offered by me." Mal said, sounding her best to sound sad. "That's not it. It's just-" Ben tried to argue. "No, I get it. You're smart. More for me I guess," Mal nodded and started pretending to eat one of the cookies, but Ben quickly snatched it from her. He took a bite out of it. Mal raised an eyebrow and smirked. "How is it?" she asked. "It's delicious. Have-have you always had those little specks in your eyes?" Ben asked. Mal smiled. "How do you feel?" she asked. "I-I feel like singing your name. Mal! Maaaaal! M-" Ben got caught off by Mal putting a hand over his mouth. The future king smiled and ran off. Mal smirked to herself. Maybe, this will be easier than I thought.
   Evie came over to Mal and exclaimed, "There you are!" They walked together to the game. They found their seats and the game began.
   Mal had no idea what was going on, so she stayed quiet. In the end, the Knights won.
   Everyone was cheering as Ben grabbed the microphone. He made everyone spell Mal's name and started singing Did I Mention.
   She tried leaving, but Evie wouldn't let her. After the song, Ben tried to kiss Mal, but Mal moved her head just in time. Ben screamed, "Will you go to the coronation with me?" Mal couldn't believe it. She would be able to get the wand! "Yes!" she screamed back. Ben's face lit up. Mal almost felt bad for having to manipulate him. Almost.
   After the game, Mal walked to the courtyard as Evie had some sewing to do. She saw Ben and turned to leave, but Ben had already seen her.
   "Mal! Do you want to go on a date, tonight?" Ben asked excitedly. Mal had no idea how to react, so she simply nodded and went back to her room
       Evie finished her sewing for the day and decided to head to Mal's dorm. She went right in. No one was there, so she sat on Mal's bed and waited.
   Mal ran in a few minutes later. "E, Ben just asked me out on a date," Mal whispered, worriedly. Evie laughed and pulled out a purple dress she worked on. "I made this for you," Evie smiled while handing it to the other girl. "Thanks?" Mal said, but it sounded more like a question. Evie laughed again and pulled out makeup bags, while Mal changed into the dress.
   Mal saw a leather jacket that on her chair and decided to put it on. Evie smiled when she saw her. She actually wore it. The blue haired princess thought. Evie started putting makeup on. "What's that?" Mal asked while motioning towards the makeup. "It's makeup." Evie answered. A confused look appeared on Mal's face. Evie laughed.
   "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you," Mal's best friend assured her. Mal relaxed and Evie finished putting on her makeup.
   Mal's head was running wild with thoughts from the night she went to the museum. She felt like she was suppose to be there with someone.
   Evie dragged her to a full sized mirror. "I look...not hideous," Mal smiled. Evie smiled back at her friend and shook her head, "Not even close."

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