Chapter 15

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Mal paced around the room in her dress. Evie came in and screamed, "Don't ruin the dress!" Mal was way too stressed to reply, so instead she sat down on her bed.
   "What's wrong?" Evie questioned. "I'm nervous," Mal replied truthfully. Evie sighed. "You'll do great." she told Mal and left the room.
   Mal looked out the window and saw that the carriage was already there. She grabbed the box and took a deep breath. She went down to the carriage.
"There's my beautiful girl." Ben said as he helped Mal onto the carriage. Mal smiled and sat down. The carriage started to move.
      Ben could tell Mal was nervous. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is look beautiful, no problem there." Ben said.
   Mal looked up at Ben and smiled. They're so innocent. Mal thought. "Thank you." Mal said awkwardly. She still wasn't use to compliments. "Mal, will you do me the honor of wearing my ring?" Ben asked. He started to remove it from his finger. "Not right now. It might fall right off." Mal answered quickly. Ben nodded.
    Mal looked down at the box in her lap. "I have something for you." Mal said. Ben looked at her in surprise. "For me?" he asked the girl in purple. Mal handed him the box. "It's for later. When you need energy or strength." Mal said. Ben opened the box to a chocolate cupcake.
   "I can't wait." Ben said and took a bite of the cupcake. Mal looked at Ben, but it was too late, he already took a bite. "No!" Mal screamed. "It's really good." Ben said with a mouthful of cupcake.
   "D-do you still have feelings for me?" Mal asked carefully. Ben shrugged. "Not sure. Let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take affect." Ben stated. Mal nodded. "Ok." she gulped. She then realized what Ben said. "Wait what?" Mal stammered.
   Ben chuckled. "You knew?" she asked. "That you spelled me? Yeah, I knew." Ben answered. "I-I can explain." Mal trembled. "No, it's fine. You had a crush on me and didn't think would happen on its on. Am I right?" Ben asked. Mal nodded. "Yes, you are so right. So, how long have you known?" Mal inquired. "Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the Enchanted Lake." Ben responded. Mal's eyes widened and a look of worry appeared on her face. "So then you've just been faking it since then?"

I finally updated!! Somethings they said were copied from Descendants, so Disney owns some sentences. I left you on a cliffhanger. Do you think Ben really loves Mal? Tell me in the comments!

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