Chapter 14

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Mal dreamed about being evil and taking over Auradon. It terrified her. She had no idea why it horrified her. That's what she came here to do. The worst part was, her mother was torturing Ben. Why did Mal care so much? Was she falling for Ben? Mal couldn't keep that question out of her brain all day. I'm evil! Love is weak. I'm not falling for Ben! Mal tried to protest with herself.
"M, you ok?" Evie asked her friend. "Yeah. I'm just tired," Mal answered and offered a small smile. She was exhausted. She didn't get much sleep last night.
"Let's go to your dorm, then," Carlos suggested. Mal nodded as the four friends walked to her room. Mal sat on her bed, Carlos sat on the ground, Evie was at Mal's desk, and Jay decided to keep standing.
"Are you excited about tomorrow?" Evie asked her best friend. The coronation! How could Mal forget? "Oh! Uh, yeah." Mal said nervously. Since when do I get nervous? Mal asked herself.
"I made all of your outfits!" Evie exclaimed and pulled out their outfits. Jay's suit was yellow and maroon, his two favorite colors. Carlos's suit was black and white with red accents. Mal's dress was a long purple dress with some sparkles.
Mal was stunned. No one has ever given her something that beautiful. "It's beautiful! Thank you!" Mal told and hugged Evie. The boys thanked Evie as well as they all looked at their outfits. Evie laughed. "You're welcome." Evie said.
Mal smiled, until Evie shooed her to try it on. Mal did as she was told and it fit perfectly. Mal walked out and showed the three. "You look good, M." Carlos told her. "Thanks." Mal said, smiling. Evie smiled, "You look gorgeous, M." "Evie scores again with a beautiful dress!" Jay said, jokingly. Evie curtsied. Jay and Carlos laughed.
Mal watched them. How can I destroy their world? They seem so happy and innocent. Mal thought.
       That night, Mal went back down to the kitchen. She had to make an anti-love potion.
"A million thoughts in my head. Should I let my heart keep listening? I know it's time to say goodbye. So hard to let go." Mal sang as a tear rolled down her face. At that moment she knew what she had to do.

I'm so sorry for not updating! I left you off on a cliffhanger. Do you think Mal will turn good?

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