Chapter 3

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Getting Caught

Mal wasn't sure she liked the chances of this plan.

There was a chance she actually got to Auradon, but there was also a chance that they would leave her here.

There was a chance she'd get the wand, but there was also the chance of her failing and getting thrown into jail as well.

The question is, as she sat on the top of this building, high up from the guards eyes....

Did she really want to do this?

She wasn't sure, but if she ever wanted her chance to get off the island, this was it.

Finally get her revenge on King Adam for leaving her alone here with her mother.

That had to be the worst thing in the world, being stuck here with her mother.

After all, she had way too many bruises to count, not to mention a couple choice scars as well.

Like anyone would ever need to find out about that though.

She let out a sigh, staring down at the people below, a grim look on her face.

See you isle of the lost, she bid farewell in her mind, I hope to never see the likes of you all ever again on this floating piece of dirt.

Mal got up, already having her duffel bag filled with stuff.

Mostly paint cans, maybe a few t-shirts and other clothing items, but other than that Mal didn't really have anything she stole that she ever really kept other than her paints.

Her mother's spell book was tucked away in her bag, safely hidden among the paints and clothes.

Slowly she stood, towering over the make-shift city she had known to call the place she grew up.

Even now she wouldn't ever consider this a home.

This could never be her home, no matter how long she lived there.

With a deep breath she turned her back on the city, walking towards the edge of the roof that led into an alleyway, making her look down to make sure no one was there.

Once she was sure she jumped, using the drainage pipe as almost a fire pole.

Though she jumped early, landing with a rocky roll, dusting off her purple leggings before walking out onto the market place, which was filled with older men and woman villains with guards standing here and there.

It was obvious that she would stand out.

That was her plan, stand out, get questioned, get taken to Auradon.

Hopefully it worked out.

She took a sharp breath, walking up to a market tent.

The man running it flashed her a warning glare as if to tell her to run before the guards spotted her.

Mal found it surprising that he was warning her, apparently even villains stuck behind each other sometimes.

She ignored the warning, handing the man a half eaten can of peas for a bracelet with a blank metal charm, waiting to be designed.

Her hands directed it into her bag before she turned into the market place, strolling through nervously.

In a way, she didn't want to be spotted, she just wanted this to fail so she could live in peace and never go back to her mother's weird 'home'.

But she knew she needed to go to Auradon at this point.

Not for the wand or for her mother, but for herself.

She needed to finally face King Adam and show him what mistake he made leaving her to rot on the island with her mother.

So, as she stopped in front of another vendor, slowly initiating conversation, hoping the guard standing near the entrance would notice.

"So, anything new?" She questioned, moving a few pens around in the holder.

The vendor narrowed his eyes, whispering, "What are y'doing kid? They're gonna spot ya."

She choose to ignore him, continuing the one-sided conversation.

"So nothing from yesterday then?" She asked, putting on a sad face.

The man got irritated, now speaking in a normal tone.

"Look kid, I don't know what you're up to, but if the guards spot you here you'll be taken away." he growled.

The guard by the entrance turned at the sound of the voice of the vendor, spotting the purple haired girl standing by the makeshift counter.

"I'm going with no here then." She said, looking up at the vendor.

His eyes narrow, confused as to why it seems like Malificent's daughter wanted to get caught.

"No kid. We haven't gotten anything new since you came in yesterday. Now beat it before that guard comes for you." He hissed, walking away from the teen.

Mal shook her head, swiping the pen she was playing around with.

She turned to come face to face with the guard, who has his arms crossed over his metal chest-plate.

At this point she could feel the eyes of store vendors and the street urchins, as her mother called them, staring at her, boring holes into her.

"I have to ask, how old are you kid?" He questioned, confused as to why this teenage girl was on the isle.

"Oh, around sixteen. Why do you ask?" she questioned, turning on the ye-old charm.

The man does the math, frowning.

"And you've been on this island how long?" he questioned, a single eyebrow raised.

Mal knew if she gave in too easily he would suspect this as a fake out, so she decided to lay off on giving him all he answers.

"Why do you want to know?" She questioned, her hands resting across her chest to mirror the guard.

The guard only needed that.

"Look kid, I want you to come with me alright. We have a call to make." He stated, reaching to grab Mal's arm.

Fear she can't control fills her chest, making her jump back on instinct, not liking the urgency of him wanting to drag her away.

The guard however realized the fear and sighed.

"I'm sorry. Please, come with me." he said, holding his arm out to let her walk beside him.

Hesitantly, Mal walked along with the guard, still unable to get her mother's glowing, angry, orbs out of her mind from the similar moment to when her mother would 'punish' her.

But she shook the thoughts from her mind as they reached the place the guards had set up a barracks.

Mal thought the old schoolhouse was a terrible spot, but it was the last building anyone around here would step into.

There aren't any kids, why have a school? Mal wondered.

The guard lead her through the school hallways, gaining the looks of other guards as she walked along cautiously behind him.

Finally they reach the room with the phone, where the man took off his helmet and dialed a number.

Mal stood there awkwardly, knowing that stray guards were watching at the doorway to see what's going on without even looking back.

"Yes, hello King Adam." the man started, surprising Mal.

She didn't expect them to call the king right away.

"Yeah, we have a slight problem. There seems to be a sixteen year old on the island." he stated.

Just that sentence and Mal knew she was already in too deep to turn around and run.

Now that the King had been informed of her....

There's no turning back.

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