Chapter 20

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Fairy Godmother suddenly moved. "Oh, thank you all," she said as she walked down the steps and towards the four. Mal smiled and met her halfway. "I believe this belongs to you," she said as she handed Fairy Godmother her wand.
"Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" Fairy Godmother exclaimed as everyone became unfrozen.
    Evie, Mal, Jay, and Carlos group hugged before walking back over to Ben.
"Thank you, Mal," Ben said softly as Mal smiled.
    Jay threw his arm over Mal, "I think we should put her on the tourney team. I mean you should've seen her," he exclaimed as she simply laughed.
   Ben watched her and nodded, "Put her on the team then." Evie walked up to Ben and hugged him. He smiled before parting. "Mal, could I talk to you for a minute?"
   Mal looked over and nodded. He lead her over to a corner. "Are you ok?" he asked. The girl in purple nodded, "I will be." She smiled at him before going back to her friends.
Ben walked over to his parents and they talked for a few minutes. They talked over what had happened and what they should do.
Mal was laughing at one of Jay's jokes before getting tapped on the shoulder.
"Mal, can we uh talk to you for a few minutes?" Adam requested. Mal nodded and followed him over to Belle and King Ben.
"We are so sorry for all that you had to go through. We had no idea you were there. We thought the guards checked. We sincerely apologize to you," Adam said as Belle nodded and smiled a bit.
Mal gave a small smile before saying, "I don't think anyone could ever fathom all that happened there, but I forgive you. I finally know what it's like to have amazing friends and for people to actually care." Belle and Adam smiled at each other.
   "I'm so glad you're here, Mal," Belle admitted. Mal smiled, she was genuinely happy to have come to Auradon, "Me too."
"M," Evie called, motioning for her to go to them. Ben and Mal walked over to the group together.
"I say we get this party started," Jay exclaimed. "Ohayohay, hey!" They all sang.
Let's just say they definitely set it off and had the time of their lives. They sang and danced until sunrise.
But you didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?

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