Chapter 2

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Evie still couldn't figure out what her dream meant, and she wanted so badly to figure it out.

So, as she sat on the roof of the castle, she couldn't help but stare out at the Isle of the Lost, sighing lightly.

She had discovered a way to climb up here when she was younger with her friend Jay, Jafar's son, and had been coming up here whenever she needed to think.

Or just get away from everyone else.

No one knew about this being her safe place, not even Jay.

"Are you really there? Is there really a forgotten child?" she whispered, staring out at the island.

There was a telescope up here which Evie had dragged up when she was younger, and had been bolted down onto the roof shortly after.

She couldn't help it.

Evie got up and looked through the telescope, pointing it towards the isle.

She could make out figures of villains walking around, trying her best not to pay too much attention to it in case she saw the Evil Queen.

That was the last person she was looking for.

But a billboard caught her eye.

Something that wasn't there the last time she looked.

It was her father, but with horns and mane like he had turned into the beast.

In the corner was two dragons, purple and green in the shape of a heart.

But the text bubble made her flinch.

Even Kings make mistakes.

Evie took a step back after seeing that.

"What could that possibly mean?" She wondered, "What mistake did Adam, I mean dad, make?"

She shook her head, looking towards the isle.

"I need to drop this. It was a dream. This girl doesn't exist. Like Ben said, how would Maleificent even have a kid?" she asked out loud, trying desperately to convince herself.

It was not working.

She shook her head, making her blue hairs wave around slightly.

She made her way down through the secret exit to the roof, closing the hatch and making her way through the halls.

As she passed her father's office however, she heard something interesting.

"What? Vandalism? On one of my billboards?" He questioned, obviously speaking to someone on the phone.

Evie walked forward, peeking through the key hole.

Adam sat at his desk, listening to the man on the other end.

"Look, we put them on that island to contain them, but law still has to be reminded. I want gaurds going over there to make sure people are following the law." he growled, shaking his head.

The voice complied and says goodbye, making Adam hang up the phone.

Ben walked over from the other side of the room, looking concerned.

"Are you sure sending guards over is a good idea? I mean what message would that send? Their kids were taken and now we are sending guards?" Ben tried to reason, but his father shook his head.

"Ben, when you become king someday you will understand how important it is that people follow the rules, to make it a better place for everyone else to live." Adam stated.

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