Chapter 19

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   Mal grabbed a bag from behind one of the columns and pulled out her spell book.
"Thanks for helping us back there, M," Evie said as she walked towards her friend. The purple haired girl smiled and flipped through the pages of the spell book. She looked down at the wand, still in her hand.
"Do you think if I just say 'Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo' it'll unfreeze everyone?" Mal asked as Jay and Carlos walked towards the girls. They all laughed.
Carlos shrugged, "I mean you could try,"
   "Before we do that, I think we should get you cleaned up a bit," Evie told the girl in front of her. Mal cocked her head before looking down at her arms and seeing some blood. She smiled a bit and nodded.
The four walked out of the building and headed towards Evie's room.
"Hey Mal, can you tell us what happened on the Isle?" Jay asked, a bit nervous for her reaction. Mal sighed, "I'll explain when we get to Evie's room."
The other three nodded and they walked the rest of the way in silence.
When they arrived to Evie's room Evie had Mal sit down on her bed, while the boys sat on the ground. The blue haired princess walked to her desk to grab a first aid kit. She then got a wet washcloth.
   Mal simply played with her fingers. She was in an awkward spot. No one had ever cared enough to ask why she had the bruises nor had they done anything to stop them.
   "This may hurt a bit," Evie told Mal before pressing the washcloth onto her arm. Mal had little to no reaction, she had gotten used to little pain like this.
   Jay and Carlos watched the two girls, unsure of who should speak first.
"So uh, have you met our parents?" Carlos asked. Jay and Evie perked up a bit, curious for her answer.
"Yeah. They live with my mom," Mal flatly answered. Mal wanted to spill her guts out to them, but she couldn't help but be afraid.
Jay interrupted her thoughts, "What are they like?" Mal tried to stifle a laugh. "Ok, so Carlos your mom is crazy and talks to a stuffed dog," Mal told them, "Jay, your dad owns a store and is still infatuated with lamps." Jay nodded. Carlos was freaked out by his mom being crazy and it was evident on his face. "Don't worry, Carlos. You're nothing like her," Mal said with a smile.
   "What about my mom?" Evie asked as she moved onto a wound on Mal's leg. Mal thought for a minute. "She's still very much into looks. I know all of your parents hate that they had to give you guys up, but I think Evie's mom hates it the most," she replied.
   Evie stopped for a moment and wondered out loud, "She misses me?" Mal simply nodded and decided it would be best if they didn't know they were also supposed to be apart of a plan.
"So what happened on the Isle exactly?" Carlos asked. Mal took a deep breath, trying to figure out what parts she wanted them to know.
"Well, my mother has a short temper and she usually takes it out on me. She gets so angry with me so easily. It's like nothing I do is ever good enough for her. All I've ever wanted was to just make her proud. Heh and it's not like I ever got anything for it," Mal rambled a bit.
Evie, Jay, and Carlos listened to every word she said and couldn't help but feel bad for her. She had to deal with this for sixteen years. They couldn't imagine how hard it must have been for her.
Evie finished cleaning and treating Mal's wounds. "Well, now you get a fresh start and you won't have to deal with any of that anymore," Evie smiled a bit, trying to be positive. Mal nodded. "Yeah it's crazy. I mean look at this dress. There's no way I could get anything this beautiful there," she laughed a bit.
"Well, let's go save Auradon," Jay said and stood up. The other three followed suit and soon they were on their way.
    "So are there other vks in Auradon?" Mal asked, curious since she had only met a few. Carlos nodded, "There's lots of them. You may not know that they're a vk since we've all lived here for so long, but they're here." "A few of them went on this random spontaneous beach trip I think," Jay added. Mal simply nodded and wondered what they're like.
"We're here!" Evie exclaimed. They all looked at each other and nodded before going in.
Mal picked up the wand. "Ok here we go," she thought to herself. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!" Mal exclaimed as she waved the wand.

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