Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

She should've been here by now, so where was the limo? Ben thought anxiously to himself. It was almost an hour since the set drop off time, and yet no limo, and no girl from the Isle. Without realizing it, Ben had begun pacing, much like Evie had been doing a few hours before.

"You really need to stop that. You're making me nervous again." She groaned, holding her chin up with the palms of her hands as her elbows rested on her knees. She was sitting on the staircase that led upstairs, staring at Ben with her dark blue eyes. Ben remembered when he first saw her as a kid, he asked her why she was wearing contacts; it took months to convince him those were her real eyes. "I know, it's just the limo is late!" he stopped pacing, unaware of how panicked his eyes must be. Evie just smiled, standing up and walking to stand in front of him, straightening out his bowtie. "Everything's fine Ben. The Isle of the Lost is a long drive, and with villains everywhere around them I can only imagine all the precautions that slowed them down." she attempted to comfort him, feeling a twinge of guilt as she just insulted her past without thinking about it. Ben smiled in thanks as his mother strolled downstairs, seeing her children standing by the door.

"Has the limo still not arrived?" She questioned, a single eyebrow raised as she held her current book at her side. Evie was shocked the queen was able to find one she hadn't read yet. Ben simply shook his head in defeat as Evie frowned. A voice in her head warned her that frowning caused wrinkles, almost as if a distant memory had arisen. "I'm sure it's close Benny." she smiled her usual warm and reassuring smile. Ben wondered why anyone in her old town thought badly of her, as she was the most kind and loving person Ben knew of. Belle gave her son a hug, which she extended over to Evie shortly after, the three of them hugging in the main hall, all their worries washing away in each others arms. When their hug broke off, a trumpet sounded from behind the door of the castle, making Ben jump in shock, and Evie laugh at her brother's jumpy behavior. Turning to the doors they took in a breath before stepping outside, seeing the fancy black limo pulling up.

Mal would be lying if she said her heart wasn't beating abnormally fast. Her bruise from earlier with her mother was flaring up, and her hands fumbled slightly as she looked out the tinted window, seeing guards lined up all the way to the door of the castle, almost like they were afraid she would run the first chance she got. Three people stood at the door, none of which were king Adam. She recognized one as Belle, just because of a picture her mother had found, which was stuck up beside Adam's with darts in it. Not exactly the best way to recognize someone if you can remember where the last darts were.

Mal shivered slightly as the limo came to a stop, taking in a deep, almost shaky, breath. "Use the door on your left." the driver called back to her, making her nod even though he couldn't see her doing so. Getting some of her confidence back Mal opened the door, stepping out into the open with her eyes narrowed, not used to the concentration of light shining down on her. Apparently the magical barrier toned down the sun a little. The guards stared at her as the driver handed her the duffle bag she had put in the trunk, shouldering it with a mock smile. The stares directed at her were anything but friendly as she trudged forward, guessing she was supposed to move towards the three people waiting at the doors. Once she got there though, the stares from them were different.

They were kind, almost too kind in her opinion but since she lived on an island where kindness was considered a bad thing, she decided to drop it. The Queen, who she was right about her assumption, and the boy standing next to her were definitely related, but the girl with blue hair threw Mal off. She must be a villain kid, Mal realized to her own surprise, wondering why the King and Queen would want to take in a villain's child. "Hi, I'm Ben, and welcome to Auradon, " he greeted, stretching out a hand for her to shake. Mal stared at it for a moment before shaking it, weirded out by the gesture. She got the impression he cut himself off because he didn't know her name, "Mal." She finished his sentence, making him nod as he released her gloved hand. "Nice to finally meet you Mal." Ben said with a smile. She wanted to shrink away from how cheery this boy was, but if she did that they would get the impression that she was weak. Belle greeted her with a similar kindness that kinda freaked her out as well, it didn't help that all she could do was picture the darts her mother had thrown. Though they kept speaking Mal had drowned them out, too freaked out in this strange area to concentrate.

"Uh, mom, Ben, is it okay if I take Mal to her room?" Evie asked them, making them turn with confused expressions to her. Mal kept her relieved expression hidden as they nodded, and Evie led her away. They walked through the main doors, surprising Mal at how big and beautiful it really was inside. "Sorry about them, they can be a bit, much sometimes." Evie laughed, smiling brightly over at Mal. For some reason her smile didn't bother as much, like there was something familiar and comforting about it. Mal shrugged, smiling a small half-smile, "For your information I wasn't freaked out by them." Evie smiled over at her, walking backwards up the stairs. "Really? 'Cause from where I stood you looked pretty freaked out." Evie laughed, making a genuine smile appear on Mal's face. "Whatever you say Blueberry." Mal joked, seeing her eyes narrow for a moment before a look of amusement replaced it. "That's Princess Blueberry." she said proudly, making Mal smile again, surprised that this princess could make her smile. "but seriously, call me Evie."

Those words struck Mal in the chest, almost like a bag of bricks. Evie, the Evil Queens daughter was now a frilly princess and daughter of Adam. The thought made her want to flinch, but the mirror in her bag seemed to get heavier. Did she really want to disrupt everything in this girl's life by handing her this mirror? "Hey, Earth to Mal. You okay?" She questioned as they reached the landing at the top of the staircase. "Yeah," Mal lied expertly, "Peachy."

Hey guys. So sorry for the wait. I'll be trying to update more regularly. I want to thank everyone for such positive comments on this story that made me want to keep going in the first place, so thankyou all for being so awesome.

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