Chapter 7

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Mal looked around at the bedroom Evie had led her to, gaping at the size. It made her wonder why they would give up such a nice room to someone they had only just met, or to anyone at all; but she wasn't about to complain about it.

Evie was watching Mal in almost confusion, wondering why she was so surprised at the room they had given her. "You might want to close your mouth, you might catch flies." she joked, making the purple haired girl turn in confusion, tilting her head to the side. It hit Evie hard, the realization of why she was so confused. Who knew if this girl even had a bed let alone a room back on the isle, though she was certain her mother would've at least cared for her child if nothing else. At least, she kept telling herself that as Mal got more and more confused as she explained when dinners usually were, and how she would attend school with them. It was like every word that had come from her mouth was in an alien language to her.

For Mal it might as well have been, none of this made sense to her. People offering her dinner? Not scraps from the make-shift meal someone else had eaten? An actual room and bed instead of a lousy couch in a cold corner? To top it all off she was going to school? It made her head spin.

"Uh, thanks." She struggled out finally, still trying to wrap her head around the situation she was in. Evie, with narrowed eyes, walked over to the door. "Well, if you need anything my room is the one to the right of yours. Tomorrow we go to school at eight okay?" She offered, turning back to see Mal in confusion for a moment. "Okay." she mumbled, making Evie sigh as she walk out of the room.

That girl had to be the one, the girl in Maleificent's shadow in her dream. The purple hair was a giveaway, but what got to Evie was her eyes, they were silver, but they had these odd green sparks in them. Adam had told her a long time ago that was a sign of powerful magic, she just wasn't sure how someone so young could have magic so powerful. She shook her head, trying to tell herself that her dream didn't mean anything, and that the sparks in her eyes didn't either. For all she knew this girl's villain parents were anyone, not necessarily Maleificent. With a deep breath she walked away down the hall, leaving mall alone in her room.

Mal opened her bag after resting it on the bed, taking various items of clothing out, separating them into neat piles to put them away. Even though she knew she wouldn't be staying here long because of the plan she needed to execute, but she might as well look like she didn't plan to go anywhere. As she reached the bottom of her bag she found the mirror and the book she received before leaving, feeling the slight surge of power from each of them upon touching her fingers.

Magic had an odd feeling to it, and it was going to take a long time for her to get used to this feeling. She swiftly hid the objects in the nightstand drawer beside the bed, closing it so that it wasn't even open a crack, not wanting to take any chances. As she began to put her clothes away in the dresser, a thought popped into her head, one that made a wicked smile appear on her lips. If she was living in the castle, taking down King Adam would be even easier than she thought. With that thought everything that had freaked her out washed away. It would be all to easy to get her revenge, and maybe even be seen as truly evil in her mother's eyes.

Once it was all organized to her liking she sat down on the bed, taking a look at all her surroundings as Ben was talking with Evie in the dining room.

"So? What do you think?" he asked her quietly, making Evie frown. "I'm not sure yet, she doesn't really talk much from what I can tell," she thought for a moment before continuing with, "she seemed super freaked out about everyhting, almost like none of it was natural to her." She looked hurt, like the thought of what this girl went through killed her inside. "Then let's make it natural," he stated, making Evie smile.

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