Chapter 17

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The wand shook and shot off wild sparkles. It sent a fierce bolt of lightning, which cracked one of the glass windows, and broke the magic barrier of the Isle of the Lost.
               Maddy tried, but couldn't control it. Mal ran up to Maddy and tried to take the wand out of her hands.
"Children!" Fairy Godmother yelled. Mal finally got ahold of the wand. Maddy ran back to the crowd.
"Give me the wand, Mal," Ben said and held his hand out. Evie, Jay, and Carlos were very confused.
"Mal?" Evie asked. "Stand back!" Mal yelled, fiercely. Evie took a step closer to Mal. "I said stand back!" Mal yelled again.
"What's going on?" Ben asked Mal. Mal pointed the wand to Ben. "Get away!" she yelled. "What's gotten into you?" Evie asked. Mal glared at Evie. "You have no idea." she hissed.
"Calm down, Mal." Jay said calmly. Mal glared at them, "You have no right to tell me to calm down. You have no idea what I've been through." Ben looked at Mal sadly, "You're right," he said, "we don't know what you've been through, but you can start over, here in Auradon."
"And how do I know I won't just be another plan?" Mal yelled angrily.
               That definitely confused Belle and Beast. Ben looked at Evie and then at Mal.
               "Because I love you." he told Mal, taking a step towards her. Mal eyes glowed green, she was angry, no, furious.
"Love is weak and ridiculous." Mal tried to convince Ben, but was she trying to convince Ben, or herself?

Months later I update, I know, I'm sorry. If you want to know what I've been up to check out my personal book about my life. I cannot say sorry enough for not updating. I am extremely sorry. Anyways, what'd you think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments!

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