Chapter 13

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         "Why do you guys think she would use magic?" Ben asked his friends. "I don't know," Maddy answered. "What if her mother wants her to do something evil?" Audrey asked worriedly. "I don't think Mal is evil," Ben replied.
   Evie, Carlos, and Jay hadn't said anything. They were still a little worked up from Family Day. "Carlos? Jay? Evie?" Lonnie asked.
   "If she was going to do something, don't you think she would have done it by now?" Jay suggested.
   They all relaxed after hearing what Jay thought. He was her friend after all.
   "We're going to be late for tourney practice!" Chad screamed as the boys all ran out.
   "I'll go check on Mal." Evie said and ran to her friend's  dorm. She didn't bother knocking and walked in.
       Mal was reading her spell book when Evie barged in. "Are you ok?" the princess asked her. Mal nodded as she slyly put her spell book away.
   "I need to give you something. Please don't freak out." Mal smiled a bit before reaching into her duffel bag.
   Why would I freak out? Evie wondered.
   Mal grabbed the magic mirror. Here goes nothing. She thought and handed her friend the mirror. "A mirror! Why would I freak out?" Evie laughed as she looked at it. The mirror was beautiful. It was gold and had diamonds in it.
   "Because, it's a magic mirror...and it belonged to the Evil Queen." Mal said quietly. Evie gasped. It was smaller than she expected and she didn't know what to do with it. "She wanted you to have it, so you will always have a piece of her." Mal told her.
   "How does it work?" Evie asked. "Just say magic mirror and ask it something. It'll only work for you." Mal answered as Evie nodded.
   They said their goodbyes and Evie went to her room. What was she suppose to do with a magic mirror? She had no idea what to do with it, so she tucked it in a drawer. Evie looked at the drawer before shaking her head and starting her homework.

I'm sorry for the short chapter! I have a lot of books going on, so I will try to update whenever I can. What do you think is going to happen next?

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