Chapter 4

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A Villain?

Jay and Carlos sat across from Ben and Evie, who were both laughing about something that had happened over the weekend with the servants.

"So, how's Dude?" Jay questioned, looking over to the white haired boy beside him.

Carlos had been adopted by the seven dwarfs, who had a son named Doug who also went to the school while Jay had been adopted by Cinderella and Prince Charming, who had a son named Chad.

"He's good. He was all happy after I took him to the groomers the other day. You should have seen his glossy coat!" Carlos said enthusiastically.

Jay simply smiled, glad that he had Dude.

"That's cool bro." he stated, straightening his beanie.

Jay wore a yellow button up shirt sleeved shirt with a pair of maroon jeans that were worn out around the knees from playing sports with his various team members without proper gear on.

Carlos however wore a black and white leather jacket with red here and there with black shorts.

Sure he shared his mother's colors, but everyone around here knew better than to think badly of him.

That boy couldn't have hurt a fly.

Evie twirled her blue locks of hair as she laughed along with Ben, who was wearing his usual uniform.

Evie was wearing a blue dress and an apple necklace with fishnet leggings and combat boots.

"So, have any more dreams?" Ben questioned, making Evie nod.

"That girl with the short purple hair is in every single one!" She exclaimed quietly, gaining the attention of the boys sitting across from her.

"Who?" Jay and Carlos questioned in unison.

Evie blushed, ducking her head down.

Ben smirked at the small act.

"Evie keeps having these strange dreams, and in each one there is this mystery girl with purple hair and glowing green eyes." The golden haired prince explained, making Carlos' face light up in understanding while Jay let's out a dragged put 'oh'.

Evie sighed.

"Its weird. Like, she has to be a real person right? I mean, how can you dream about someone you've never seen before?" She questioned.

Ben shrugged.

"I've done it plenty of times, just it's never the same person..." he trailed off, taking a bite out of his apple.

Jay shrugged.

"Maybe this girl is the girl of your dreams quite literally." Jay gushed sarcastically, making Evie glare at him.

"You know, you're not funny." she said, but a smile graced over her lips.

Carlos laughs.

"He is, and you know it." he laughed, earning a small glare from Evie.

The group laughed hysterically before a voice clearing itself breaks through, making them all turn to see a woman dressed in armor.

A guard.

"Prince Ben, Princess Evie, you are needed at the palace." the woman stated, making the siblings share a look.

They weren't sure what this was about, but if their father wanted to see them, they had to go.

"Alright. Um, I guess we will see you guys later then." Ben said, getting up.

Evie followed close behind, waving to her friends before catching up to the guard.

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