Chapter 5

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WHERE DID THE BRIDGE GO?! (And some teasing.)

Mal's POV

The limo wasn't what I was expecting when I had gotten inside. I was honestly expecting some sort of jail-like backseat of a simple car that they would take me away in like any other street urchin. But I guess this was King Adam's way of showing me he was sorry for his mistake.

Well its just about sixteen years too late buddy, and once I got that wand you're gonna pay.

It was strange, the looks I got as people I saw every day looked right through the tinted windows, still able to see my outline. I however saw them perfectly, their eye each boring into my skin as they passed, making my throat dry.

Stop staring. I beg them, feeling a droplet of sweat dripping down my cheek out of nerves. Then, the voice of my mother sounded so clearly in my head that it make me shake, gripping my sleeves so tightly that my knuckles turned white. What? Showing weakness yet again? What kind of villain are you?

I forced myself to stop shaking when I could feel where the blood had dripped down from my lip earlier, making me wipe away the non-existing blood away, but nothing. My eyes hardened, my fingers let my sleeves go. I'm done being afraid, nothing is going to phase me from this moment on I swear to- HOLY WHERE DID THE BRIDGE GO?!

My hands gripped onto the sides of the seats, almost tearing open the leather as I did so, closing my eyes in terror. So much for not being scared anymore. I tried not to let out a scream as I was sure the driver would think I was pathetic if I did so while trying to drive me to my death, but a small squeak escaped my lips as I flinched, waiting for the impact of the water to hit the limo and for water to spew through the broken windows. None of that happened though, instead it felt as if the limo was floating, not on a bridge but floating.

A sudden spark went through me, my fingertips crackling with almost a green lightning. I felt my eyes glow with power, my jaw dropping. Was this magic? I wondered, letting a smile grace my lips for what seemed like the first time in forever. It felt great, even after the power surge ended and my eyes went back to their normal green and my fingers stopped sparking. This just got really interesting.

If I have magic now, I might not even need that wand to take down the King, in fact, I could walk right into the castle, use a spell and teach him why he should double check things before sending them off to be trapped on an island for sixteen years.

"Hey kid, I suggest you look out the window while you can. Not many get the privilege of seeing this view." The driver called back. He was also a guard, which made perfect sense, but I decided to take his advice and roll down my window, my eyes widening in shock.

That really was one hell of a view wasn't it? I could hear the chuckle from the front seat but I decided to let it go just this once. The water flowed out and around in every direction, the sky matching the deep blue with a slightly lighter color with the sun just rising away from the horizon. This kinda view on the island was impossible to find, especially because the highest building was impossible to climb. Besides, the magical barrier made the sunsets and skies have a weird green tint to it that made it less appealing.

"Well we're almost there. You ready for a new life kid?"

"As I'll ever be."


Evie's POV

Ben watched as I paced back and forth in the bedroom, him sitting with his legs crossed on the end of my bed, his head following me until he got dizzy and stopped.

"Geeze Eve, why is this so nerve racking for you?" He asked finally, making me stop in front of my mirror, which was one of the few things I didn't mind taking from my mother's personality. They were great for putting on make-up after all!

"Because Ben. What if this girl, whoever she is, is angry with us? What if she hates the rest of the kids taken from their villain parents because she wasn't saved too? What-" Before I could finish I caught him smiling, making me blush lightly. "What?"

"Stop asking what if. She's gonna be here soon and she's gonna be fine. You watch, you two are going to be the best of friends!" He stated optimistically. I shook my head, smiling down at the ground. "Besides, it'll be cool to have another girl in Auradon."

My eyes widened as I realized I wasn't supposed to hear that remark as I wiggled my eyebrows over at him. "Oh really now? I wonder what Miss Perfect Girlfriend would have to say to that!" I shout, making him turn as red as a tomato. "T-That's not what I m-meant!" He attempted to defend himself. It didn't help whatsoever.

"Future Kings don't stutter young man." I replied, sticking out my tongue in triumph, making him smile, remembering when his grandfather would say that when he was little to get rid of the stutter he had developed.

"Whatever Blueberry." he shot back, making me gape at the old nickname.

"Oh no way are you getting away with that one Benny." I laughed, seeing fear flash through his eyes as he got up.

"No! The entire guard squad will be there! You will not mess up my hair!"

"Try me."

He realized I wasn't joking around and put his hands up in surrender, making me pump my fist as I spun around on the spot. "Ha Ha! Today I win!" I laughed, making him shake his head.

"Whatever Blueberry. She should be here soon."


Hey guys! Sorry I've literally been gone since July. I had a rough few months through August til a few weeks ago and today I realized all the readers that were waiting for this. So I hoped you enjoyed the chapter I struggled out in a few hours and I'll attempt actually updating. See you guys soon!


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