Chapter 12

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         It was Family Day. Everyone was excited, everyone other than Mal that is. She couldn't have cared less. She knew her family would not be there, so why did she have to go?. She walked out by herself and looked at all the happy families.
   Jay was with Cinderella, Prince Charming, and Chad. Carlos was with Doug, Dopey, Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Doc, Bashful, and Grumpy. Evie was with Ben, King Beast, and Queen Belle. Everyone was with their parents or their foster parents.
   Mal walked around and watched all the happy families. It made her sick. She couldn't wait to put them through all the pain she had to go through. She was plotting when Ben called her over. She quickly finished eating her strawberry and walked over.
   Ben met her halfway and they hugged. Their date last night was amazing. Mal was so happy the spell was still working.
    Adam and Belle stared at her in shock. "I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Mal." Ben introduced his parents to her. "I-It's nice to see you a-again." Belle stuttered out. Adam and Belle couldn't believe Ben was dating Mal. Of all people! Mal faked a smile and hoped for the best.
    "Croquet time!" Evie squealed and ran off. King Adam and Queen Belle laughed slightly at their adoptive daughter's actions. "Do you know how to play?" Ben asked his new girlfriend. Mal shook her head no. "You don't have to play." Ben told her. Mal let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
         Mal walked around and watched everyone play. Mal laughed at Carlos. He was terrible at croquet. He kept missing. Jay wasn't much better though, he kept hitting the ball too hard. At least Evie was a pro at croquet. She got it every time! Mal watched Evie in admiration. Little did she know, someone was walking up to her.
   "Hello. I don't think I've seen you before." Queen Leah said to Mal. "I'm kind of like an exchange student." Mal said and went back to watch Evie. Audrey walked up to her grandmother and handed her a drink.
   "Grammy, I don't think you want to be around her. Unless you feel like taking another hundred year nap." Audrey said to Queen Leah as Mal looked back to them. "You!" Queen Leah screamed. Mal tried her best to smile sweetly. "How are you here and how have you stayed so young?" Queen Leah asked the girl in purple.
   Ben rushed over. "Queen Leah, it's ok. Maleficent is still on the Isle. This is her daughter, Mal." Ben told Audrey's grandmother. "Because of your mother I missed my daughter's first steps, first words, I missed it all! She was raised by fairies. Fairies!" Queen Leah screamed at Mal.
           Mal was about to say she was sorry when Chad came in and said, "That doesn't mean she's not bad. What do you think her mother taught her? How to be nice, manners, or fair play?! No way! Mal stole someone's boyfriend! I'm sure she's just as evil as her mother."
   Jay, Carlos, and Evie had enough. "Does that mean we're evil too?" Evie asked. "No." Chad answered, warily. "Mal could chose good too! Just because her mother is evil doesn't mean she is. Our parents are evil and we aren't." Carlos said.
   Mal couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for Queen Leah. Why do I feel guilty? I'm evil! Mal thought.
   Chad interrupted her thoughts as he tried to slap her, but Jay stopped him. Mal flinched, expecting to get hit. Evie dragged her to the tables. Carlos and Jay followed.
They sat down at a table. "Thanks Jay." Mal said quietly. "Of course." Jay answered.
   Lonnie, Chad, and Doug sat at another table behind theirs. Jane and Audrey walked by and stopped at Mal.
   "How long does she think this is going to last?" Audrey asked Jane. "I don't know. It's not like he would ever make a villain, a queen." Jane said and swooped down by Mal, so she could hear. They walked to the other table laughing.
   "They don't mean it." Carlos said and touched Mal's hand. She simply closed her eyes before Ben came over.
   "Hey guys. It's fine forget about it." Ben whispered the last part in Mal's ear. Mal opened her eyes and tuned everyone out while Ben said bye and left.
   She then looked through her spell book and quietly muttered, "Beware, forsware, undue Jane's hair." Jane's once long beautiful hair became all messy and she screamed.
   "There's a lot more where that came from." Mal hissed after standing up and turning to them. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are?" Audrey said in a sassy tone. "Does it look like I'm kidding?" Mal's asked before flipping through her spell book once again.
   Everyone at the table behind hers quickly got up and left. Mal turned back towards her friends and gave an apologetic smile, "Sorry." Evie gave her a small smile before they all walked the girls back to their rooms.

This book sadly will come to an end soon. If you want I can add a few days before the coronation. Any ship is possible at this point. I still haven't decided if Mal will turn good or not. Please help me decide! Do you want a few days before and/or after the coronation? Do you want Mal to turn good or stay evil? What ships do you want at this point?

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