Chapter 18

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   "No, it's not," Ben told the girl in purple, "You just haven't experienced love yet." Mal rolled her eyes. Jay placed a hand on her shoulder and she flinched at his touch.
"Mal," Jay started softly, "who hurt you?" Mal stepped back and Jay's hand fell from her shoulder. Her eyes continued to glow a bright green.
"You have no idea what you're talking about," she pointed the wand at Ben, "Your father ruined my life. I was left with all the villains, while all the other villain's kids went to live their best lives!" Mal ended up screaming, as tears threatened to spill. "For sixteen years I was stuck on that stupid island."
Ben's eyes softened. "My father didn't mean to leave you behind." he said cautiously.
"M, you're better than this," Evie tried to calm her down. Mal scoffed, "You know nothing about me."
Ben grabbed her wrist and looked into her eyes. "I can look into your eyes and I can tell you're not evil." Mal wavered and her eyes flashed back to silver for a second before turning green again.
She ripped her wrist from Ben's hold. "I don't have a choice," she said before starting to do a spell.
   "Mal, what happened on that island?" Jay asked as he looked at her with concern. She shook it off, "Nothing happened," Mal tried to concentrate on the spell once again.
Ben and Evie looked at each other and then turned to Jay and Carlos; they all knew that wasn't true.
"They don't really care," she thought, "they just want to distract me."
   "Maleficent can't hurt you here." the new king softly told her as he started inching closer to her. She wavered again, and this time it was noticeable. "What?" Mal asked. "Maleficent can't force you to do anything here either. You can choose good." Ben softly said as he reached her.
"Y-you don't know my mom, Ben." Mal replied as she took a step back, but he took another step forward. "But I know you," he whispered.
Mal didn't understand. Could she really get away from her mother? Her eyes turned back to silver. She shook her head, she couldn't be weak. After all, she was born to be evil; it was in her blood.
   Ben came close enough to where their faces were almost touching. Mal's breathing became heavier. "Love always wins over evil, Mal. And I love you." he whispered. Mal's jaw dropped before quietly saying, "I-"
Suddenly, there was a big boom while green smoke appeared and came down in front of them. Ben pushed Mal behind him as Maleficent could be seen coming from the smoke.
   "I'm back~" Maleficent yelled, so everyone could hear her. She looked back and smiled at the Fairy Godmother, Belle, and Beast.
   "Mother, go away." Mal sighed as she walked back in front of Ben and her friends, her grip tightened on the wand.
   "Now now, is that any way to talk to your mother? After all, the rest of these people did abandon you." Maleficent tells her daughter.
"We didn't-" Mal cut off Carlos by just shaking her head. "Mal, your skin hasn't healed up that quickly, has it?" the malevolent woman before them asked as she examined her daughter's skin. Mal simply sighed and closed her eyes.
   "Oh of course. You used a spell," Maleficent looked around at everyone around them before quickly undoing the spell. A huge gasp could be heard from the people who lived in Auradon.
Mal sighed again before opening her eyes. She could feel all the pain coming back after the spell had fully vanished. The majority of her skin was filled with a bruise or scar. Her skin wasn't completely covered, but it was obvious Mal wasn't that clumsy. There was a bit of blood from some wounds she never cleaned, but that was the dirtiest it was. The rest of her skin was pale, as it was with the spell. Her whole body ached as she tried to move.
"Wand me." Maleficent easily said as she reached her hand out for the wand.
Jay scoffed, "You really expect her to give you the wand after almost beating her to death." Mal's eyes widened as she looked at him. Was he trying to get himself killed? She wondered what he thought he could  gain from saying that.
Maleficent looked back at Jay and started walking towards him. "Ah, you must be Jafar's son," she quickly examined him. Jay was nervous, but stood his ground well. He was a lot tougher than Chad.
Mal tried to quickly think of a spell, but Maleficent must have sensed it. With a wave of her scepter, everyone, other than Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos, was frozen in time. "Oh Mal, you've never been very smart have you," Maleficent started humming to herself as she looked over the three Auradonians.
"Wow Evie, you're even prettier than your mother. And Carlos, you've somehow brought Cruella's colors over here and I don't think you've even realized it." Maleficent cackled as she finished looking over them.
Evie and Carlos stood their ground pretty well, but not as well as Jay. Anyone could tell those two were nervous, but they didn't back down.
"Hm. Wand me, Mal," Maleficent said sternly. Mal looked at her and scoffed, "No."
   Maleficent walked over to her daughter. "Are you out of you mind. You need to learn to do as I say," she said before putting her hand up to slap Mal. Mal closed her eyes and waited for the hit.
   Evie looked to Carlos, surely a mother couldn't hit her own daughter, could she? They both wondered the same thing.
   The three friends looked to Mal as she fell, holding her face. Jay was mad, and he didn't try to hide it. He tried to grab the scepter, but it was no use. Maleficent simply flicked Jay and down he went.
Mal stood back up and got Jay behind her. "Leave my friends alone," she stood her ground, even after the slap. Maleficent stood there flabbergasted, but only for a second. She knew better than to be defenseless.
"Have you become weak, Mal?" she scoffed at her daughter, "Love is weak and ridiculous, it's not what you want," "You don't know what I want. Mom, have you ever once asked me what I wanted?" Mal asked, her eyes watering once again. "I don't need to. You know what you're here to do. You're just a stupid plan, Mal!" Maleficent ended up screaming at her daughter.
A tear ran down Mal's face as Maleficent rolled her eyes. The horned woman tried to grab the wand from Mal, but she was holding on too tightly. Maleficent finally let go. "You're going to regret this!" she yelled as green smoke surrounded her once again. The smoke quickly went away as she turned into a huge dragon.
Mal grabbed her friends as they started running towards the door. Jay ran to the left, to distract Maleficent. "Jay!" Mal yelled as Maleficent was right behind him. He ran the other way. The dragon wasn't far behind, her eyes glowing green. Jay finally got to the others and Mal pushed him behind her.
"I told you to leave my friends alone!" Mal yelled, "This is between you and me, mother." Her eyes turned green as she stared down her mother.
"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!" Mal yelled the spell, not looking away from her mother. She had never lasted this long for a stare-down with her mother before.
   Finally, her mother disappeared and turned into a tiny purple lizard. Mal could finally breathe again. "Did I do it?" she questioned as she ran towards the tiny lizard. "I hope so," Carlos honestly answered as he ran behind her with Evie and Jay. Mal got to her mother and smiled. "Finally," she thought.
   Evie and Jay smiled as they watched her, while Carlos grabbed the glass covering for the wand and put it over Maleficent. "Careful!" Mal told the white haired boy, "That's my mother." They all laughed.
   "Uh guys? Everyone else is still frozen." Jay told them as they all looked at the others. Everyone else was indeed, frozen in time.

A/N: It's been almost two years since I've last updated, I apologize. I tried so hard to think of what to write, but it didn't come to me. I finally figured how I want to end this book after rewatching all of the Descendants movies. A few of these lines were in the movie, so they belong to them. I'm not sure if anyone is going to continue reading this, but I sure hope so. Also, this was sorta like Meloetta246 's idea and a few other's, but not exactly. My idea after watching the movies just happened to be like theirs, but I wanted to credit them anyways. Everyone, stay safe during this crazy time. I love you all🥺💕💕

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