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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except Stacy,Eva, and dad.

December 29,1864

~Newly Baby Crys~

Eva holds her newborn child in her arms smiling lovingly at her. "Hello my stacy welcome to the world" she said then the child opened her eyes looking at her mother with black and red colored eyes. "You can't be like us Stacy, you will grow up to be a strong beautiful mundane, people will think you are different but I will hide what you are and what you are capable of my darling. I wish we could have had more time together, but this is the only time you will see me". Eva continued with a sad smile know that she is dying. " know that I am always with you and that I love the stars loving the moon." Stacy started to cry quietly like she knew what was about to happen, the Eva made a shushing sound and started to sing her a lullaby. "Hush now my baby, be still now don't cry,sleep as your rocked by the stream..sleep and remember my last lullaby,so i'll be with you when you dream..river oh river row gently for me such precious cargo by the bay, do go somewhere so she can be free, river deliver a woman". then she waved an hand slowly around the baby's face then Eva closed her eyes chanting a spell. "May half be hidden and let the other show fully until fire burns over her if willing". Eva opened her eyes and looked down at stacy in her arms only to see that her  skin was tanner, and her eyes were a dark brownish color. The child smiled toothlessly at her mother and put a small hand on Eva's cheek making Eva lean into it smiling warmly. She sighed tiredly then started to leaned back and slowly closed her eyes."my, don't forget who you are,and" Eva letted out her last breath and soon her body went limp. Moments later, a tall lean man came into the room. He was aware of what occured and was distraught. He kissed the mothers forehead whispering to himself. Moments later he turned to look at the baby that was in Eva's arms and took her in his arms. He looked at Stacy with a small weak smile, but it soon falters and turned into a look of disgust. He marched out of the room and out of the house with the child wrapped in a blanket. "you, you killed her, you killed the only woman I've ever loved, I can't tolerate you any longer, you disgust me, and I dont even know what you are. So I am leaving you to people who can tolerate you and love you more then I ever could. So this is goodbye forever". Then he set the baby on the porch of what looked to be an elegant home for upper class people. He knocked on the door and ran off into the night. The door opened to a couple who was shocked to see a newborn baby at their door. The the woman picked up the child and looked around the street for anyone but there was no one in sight . the couple looked at the sleeping child and immediatley fell in love and took her into their home to raise her as their own.

so how was my first chapter, i am all up for your opinions so don't be shy.

Plz Review and tell me what you think

P.s. Excuse the poor grammer and editting. <3
Eva in the pic above
The lullaby is from prince of Egypt I changed it a little since Stacy is a girl 😂

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