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Everything was dark, until i saw two figures. They were wrapped up in each others arm, the scene was blurry at first but when i finally adjusted it became clear that it was  me and Benjamin. Benjamin leaned down and kissed 'me' but then he starts to walk away. I started to walk closer to him but ever time i tried to move he got further and further away. 

Scene Change

The surroundings changed to a very familiar field, it must have been winter because snow was everywhere. I saw myself on my knees in the snow, while two people had my arms pinned. It was two of the guards from the volturi.  it seemed that on one side if the field was my family with the wolves and on the other was the volturi and their witnesses. At this moment i could see everything through my dream self that was pinned on the ground. I saw every single expression on my families face until everything when dark.

Scene Change

I stood in the middle of the field, and a large wall of snow was coming at me full force from the right side of the field. I raised my hand and made it stop inches away from me. My family started coming towards me but i raised my other hand and created a clear barrier to prevent them from coming any closer. "stace don't do this let us through", said carlise desperately trying to break through the barrier. "I have to" i simply replied back. " what about us Stacy you can't just leave us like this."I could hear every last one of them protest about my decision but i couldn't give in, so i shut them out and turned my head to Benjamin. His eyes were pleading me "this is the only way". His eyes widened and shook his head furiously, "no, please no!" A tear fell down my eye as smiled sadly "i'm sorry". Then fire clouded my vision and everything turned black.

Dream End

"NOOOOO!" I screamed out as i shot up from the bed, but the problem was that i wasn't on the bed. Just then, Rose, Esme,Bella. and Benjamin ran into the room. At that moment, I started to fall from the ceiling along with all the books, papers. I let out a small gasp as i fell into a pair of arms. I looked up and saw that it was in fact Benjamin that caught me, his eyes was full of concern. "geez, stace are you alright", questioned Rose. "what happened", questioned Esme. "I'm fine...i-i just had a nightmare" "are you sure", said Bella standing by the doorway."yea, i'm sure no need to worry." The girls hesitated but nodded anyway them cleaned up my room in a flash and left. Only me and Benjamin was left in the room. "You mind telling me whats really wrong with you." Benjamin asked looking at me closely. I sighed, "just had a nightmare no big deal" "have these nightmares happened more than once". I hesitated before answering with a nod. "about what if you don't mind me asking." "I- um can we stop talking about this i don't really wanna talk about it anymore." He only replied with a simple nod. "i'm sorry if i pried a little too much i'm only just concerned." "its OK really." There was a moment of silence before i realized he was still holding me bridal style. "You do know i can walk right" "just taking precautions." I giggled at his statement as he put me down to the ground. But being me i lost my balance and fell into Benjamin. He was so caught off guard that we ended up on the floor. I was on top and he held my waist. We looked at each other and busted out laughing. "now this looks familiar." Benjamin said in fake wonder. "yes..yes it does." i replied playing along but failed when i started chuckling. I stopped unexpectedly when i noticed he was shirtless. His olive skin, toned muscles and abs could make any girl weak. I was show as hell weak to the knees. I shook my head from my thoughts and looked back up at Benjamin. Only he wasn't looking at my face. I smirked "take a picture Benjamin it'll last longer." he didn't reply back, he looked like he was in deep thought. I rolled my eyes and tried to get up but he had an iron grip on me. I huffed "well whats a girl gotta do to get outta this hmm" I questioned him as he finally looked at me. "I have a few ways." He smirked mischievously but that faltered as i leaned down towards him. Our noses brushed past each other then i felt his arms loosen around me. I quickly kissed his cheek and got of of him. He layed there for a moment and chuckled. "you cheater". 

I shrugged "i never said i was".  I sped to the door and closed it then walked to my closet. Then i heard my door open again and i turned to Benjamin. "wait..don't go yet..stay" He nodded then closed the door and walked back to my bed. I turned around and took off my shirt. When i was about to put on another one Benjamin came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders gently. I shivered as he made contact.  There was silence between us as he slid his hands down my arms. "your so beautiful, never forget that." He whispered in my ear as he started to kiss my shoulder then moved to my neck.I tilted my neck more to give him more access. I quickly turned around and put my hands on his chest to stop him from making another move. I looked up at his eyes and they were dark filled with love, lust, and longing. He shook his head "Stace i have to tell you something". "you can tell me anything". "I was going to tell you later but I just couldn't". I nodded "go on". He let out an unneeded breath and replied. "I've found my mate". "w-what".Out of disbelief i  backed up away from him, he looked at me confused  as i walked over to the bed. I ran a hand through my disheveled hair, I can't believe he..he found his mate and after all the time we spent together. Doesn't that mean anything to him! "Stace I found the person I can't live without." Another blow, it stung me hard in the chest. Now i realized that i will never have a chance to tell him how i feel. "I sniffed as my eyes start to water. "That..great Benjamin. listen i have to get ready OK." he nodded but still looked confused as to why my eyes were watery.  Once he left ,i layed on my bed looking at the ceiling but realized i did have somewhere to go so i sped to the closet got my clothes, then rushed to the bathroom and to a long shower.

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