Bonfire pt 2

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Previously on control... 

"so who was your mother", "her name was Eva Vergana". "Carlise looked like he recognized the name but shrugged it off. "And the child?" "...Stacy Vergana".

Their eyes widened, "it was you wasn't it" Emmett asked. "well duh, i wouldn't be telling you this story if it wasn't about me." "Anyway what did Eva meant when she hid half of you til fire..something". "til fire is upon me. Well my mother and father were both vampires and she used a spell to turn me into human because she was valuable to the volturi and she was in no condition to take care of me." "i never heard of such things" Kate said in astonishment. "what about your father" Esme asked. I shrugged, "when my mother died he couldn't handle what i was and what i did to her. You see my mother and her family are what you call pure vampires just like the volturi and when she turned me into a human that pure vampire traits stayed with me. When Carlise changed me that night i only got a taste of what my mother was, so i guess that makes me a half vampire half human in some way." "So this is more proof that Renesmee isn't the only one" Edward inquired looking at me. I shook my head. "It's more complicated then that Eddie, if the voltori know that I am The last of Vergana Bloodline then there won't be telling what he'll do or any of them will do. I prefer not to make it more then what it is, i feel that Alice and jasper will find people that are just like Renesmee i can feel it." Eddie simply nodded and Bella asked me a question. "Do you know what the spell means?" "All i know is the hidden part, i don't know what the other part means though." At this point i'm starting to feel guilty for not telling them what i have to do tomorrow, like i really want to tell them but i simply just..can't. "Anymore questions?" "Why didn't you tell us before Stace," Rosalie asked. "I just found out a few days ago and it was never the right time." "who told you about it." "trust me you don't wanna know." 

I felt Benjamin comforting me by pulling me toward him and slip his arm around my waist. I welcomed his embrace gratefully and he kissed me on the head. I focused my eyes on ever ones expressions and all i saw was pity and sadness. Esme spoke up, "Stay i am deeply sorry that happened to you." I shook my head, "no its alright, I don't want any or you guys pity. I mean everything happens for a reason you know. Some more wonderful then others." I nuzzled into Benjamins neck and he held me tighter with a soft smile on his face. "You should get some rest, you will need all of your energy for tomorrow". I shook my head again, "nope I won't be able to,besides all i need to do is feed before we leave and i'll be good." After that the subject was off of my and onto something else.All through the night we talked about stories amongst everything else but i still had this fear that this will be the last time i will see everyone . I really hope Alice and Jasper are okay.

Okay that is it for the Bonfire  scene. Sorry that it is a short chapter and that it took a million years to get this out to you guys. But i promise that the next chapter will be longer and will start the battle scene. Also i will try to publish 2 more chapters today. Anyway review,comment,share,vote,etc.

Until next time BYE!

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