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                                        J O U R N A L 0.1


          "Alright class, please take your seats and get settled. I would like to make a few announcements." The english/art teacher, Mr.David addressed towards the class. Everyone had filed into the classroom in small clusters, murmuring quietly to one another while taking their seats. Soon everyone was seated; seated in a knowing silence, Mr.David making that his cue to saunter to the front of the classroom and commence the announcements for the afternoon. 

          Mr.David had clasped his hands together, causing a vociferous, ringing sound to bellow throughout the room. A couple other students and I had winced at the loud noise. 

          He began talking about how our reading test was postponed and that it will be held sometime next week. He then lectured us on how we should be studying for the upcoming test and reading every single day.

          "Lastly, we have a new, transfer student who has came all the way from the UK!" Mr.David announced, causing everyone to immediately come interested in what he was saying. It's pretty uncommon that we receive transfer students, so I guess this was kind of a big deal. "He should be arriving any minute now—"

          Suddenly, the door swung open, making everyone alter their current attention towards that designated area. At the entrance, stood a statuesque boy who had dark, jubilant curls and had the most beautiful forest green eyes with tiny specks of blue tracing inside his irises; he was indubitably gorgeous.

          The boy was dressed in a very opulent manner; an all black blazer, along with the shirt accompanied under it was neatly rolled all the way to his elbows, revealing several flecks of tattoos adorning his wrist and upper forearm. He was currently holding a leather, brown journal in his right hand, causing my curiosity to increase.

          "Hello there," Mr.David greeted in an almost hesitant, but friendly manner. "Mind introducing yourself to the class and maybe share some hobbies of yours?"

          I propped my elbow up onto the desk, letting my chin fall into the palm of my hand. I was interested to know his name and what activities he enjoyed to take part in.

          "I'm Harry; Harry Styles and I'm twenty." 

          I nearly gasped at the sound of his voice. The voice was sweet and velvety, like chocolate; mesmerizing with each syllable he uttered.

          "Where do you come from?" Mr.David urged on, obviously intrigued as plurality of my classmates were.

          "Holmes Chapel, Cheshire."

          Mr.David then inquired, "Any hobbies that you situate yourself with?" 

          Harry carelessly shrugged, seemingly annoyed by Mr.David's game of '21 questions'. "Uh, I don't know? I like to read and write." 

          My eyebrows instantly shot up in surprise. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would just sit, read, and write.

          "Do you like art, as well?" 

          "Sure. I have a couple drawings of my own."

          Mr.David slowly nodded, not sure if he was finished questioning the boy. "Alright Mr.Styles, you may take a seat next to—" He took his time scanning the room for an available seat, until his gaze until landed on me. "Océane, right?"

          "Mhm." I answered, nodding my head. 

          The boy named Harry, commenced walking in my direction with his backpack slung heedlessly over one of his shoulders. He gave me a small smile as he sat in the empty seat next to my own. 

          "Hi." I spoke in a hesitant manner, gaining his attention almost instantly.


          "I like to write and read too." I added.

          The boy did a quick once over on me before replying, "Really? That's quite interesting."


          "What class do you have next?" He asked.


          "Same. Do you know where the room is?"

          "You just stay in here for it. Mr.David is both the english and art teacher." I replied in a low whisper.

          Harry gave me a slight nod of his head and smiled. "Okay, thanks love."


a/n: hi. ik it's crappy, but i'm trying.

o yeh thanks for 95+ reads on da prologue y'all, ily guys.

i hope you guys liked this though, and i'll try to update more.

ok stay swaggy, ily. xx

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