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                                        J O U R N A L 0.9



          Three minutes. Please, that's all I ask for. Three fucking minutes to lose all rationality possible. I've never been so fatigued and overwhelmed in my 20 years of living. There's so much to do yet not enough fucking time. What is time and why is it so difficult to keep up with it?




          1. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

          Have you ever noticed how time is ignored even through it surrounds us? It's quite absurd, right? Anyways, I'm going to tell you about a few things that have been stressing me out recently.

          The first thing is school in general. The excessive amount of school/homework, preparing for college, the studentsthese three things individually are a hell of a lot of work, but out of these three things, one of them aggravates me the most; the students.

          It's obvious that most of them are out to make my life as shitty as possible and it's quite the nuisance. I mean, how would you like for someone to constantly drain you physically and mentally? Everywhere I go, there's always a target on my back for someone to pick at, but what for? What am I doing wrong? Is it my appearance? My attitude? Someone, please tell me so that I can fix whatever is wrong. I'll do whatever it takes so that I can be good enough or at least, remotely close. I really need and want the ridiculing to stop. I really do, I'm begging.

          Great, now I've upset myself. I'm going to try and get some restif that's even possible.

          A frown adorned my facial features as I briefly reread the glum entry. I would've never envisaged Harry as the type to be ridiculed. I don't know why people would want to taunt such a polite, sweet guy as him. Why would he want to be good enough when he already is? Why are these people brainwashing him like this?

          I yield for a moment, listening for the shower and surprisingly, Harry's still occupied with it. Wow, Harry sure does take long showers. I assumed that he was going to be in the bathroom for at least another five or ten minutes so, I thought it would be essential to turn to the next page. The entry was dated nine days later from his previous one.


          Today was fucking awful. Someone in my study hall had hit an ultimate low blow of mines. I just need to get this off of my chest by writing it, because I'm definitely not going to be able to discuss this with anyone physically.

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