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                                        J O U R N A L 1.5


          I sat there for a moment, a wide grin conspicuous on my face. I honestly don't know what to think as of right now; I was absolutely astonished. Finally after all of these years, a crush of mines actually likes me back and now that I think about it, he's the only attractive one worth liking. Wow, would you like a gold medal for now noticing this? 

          I can't believe that Harry actually took the time to write this entry about his feelings towards me and just—me in general. So, what do we now since the both of us likes one another? When he wakes up do I tell him I like him too? No, because you'll give yourself away. Do I kiss him? Do you really think that's a good idea? Hug him? You really are bad at this. Maybe I should tell Zayn and Noelle—fuck, I had yet to tell them; tell them that I've been reading Harry's journal.

          I sighed as I turned towards Harry's dormant body. I guess it'll just be my little secret for right now. I proceeded to wake Harry up with several, gentle smacks to the face and surprisingly, he began to stir awake. Those green irises of his sleepily met my brown ones.

          "Harry, get up." I urged arising from the couch, but all I received in return was him falling back asleep. "Come on!"

          I grabbed for his right wrist. but he smacked my hand away mumbling, "M'tired, go away."

          I rolled my eyes. "Someone's here to see you."

          "Really," Harry sounded the least bit of interested as he shifted into another position. "tell them to go away too, because m'tired and dizzy."

          "Your friend Louis Tomlinson is here." 

          "Louis? He's here? I want to see him, but m'tired and dizzy seriously."

          I frowned at him replying, "Harry, let me get you an aspirin or something. You don't sound to hot."

          "No, no," He interjected, his eyes remaining closed. "but I am."

          "Seriously, Harry." 

          He waved me off saying, "No, 'm fine. I'll just sleep it off." Again, I frowned sending the boy one last glance before strolling back towards the front door. I opened the door revealing an impatient Louis.

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