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                                        J O U R N A L 0.8


          Gusts of cold, algid air nipped painfully at my skin causing me to pull my coat closer towards my body. I peered over at Harry who was digging around in his pocket which I assume was for his keys; we must be close to his flat. Another gust of wind rushed past me this time, causing a violent shiver to erupt from my body and my teeth to chatter.

          "Harry, aren't you freezing out here?" I questioned between the loud chattering of my teeth.

          He shook his head, replying, "No, not really. I'm kind of used to it."

          "I don't know if I could or will get use to this weather." 

          "Don't worry, you won't have to worry about the weather for too much longer, because we're here!" Harry told me whilst fiddling about with his keys, jamming the designated one into the lock. 

          I muttered, "Finally." I peered up at his flat, astounded how it appeared to look on the outside; sumptuous and exquisite. I was eager to see how it looked from within.

          Harry had unlocked the door whilst opening it, stepping aside so I could enter. I hurried inside the building with my suitcase rolling behind me, thanking him.

          I took a brief moment to examine the environment I was currently in. It was obvious that he lived in an apartment building, yet I've never seen one such as this one. There was a lobby portion where a young lady stood behind a counter, most likely checking residents in.

          "Harry, I've already checked you in." The lady noted, smiling.

          He replied, closing the door, "Thank you." Harry motioned me to commence following him to his room. 

          "Hi." I greeted whilst waving at the lady.


          I resumed trailing behind Harry to his room in complete silence, the sound of our uncoordinated footsteps filling the vicinity. Suddenly, the curly haired lad had precipitously stopped causing his back and I to collide.


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