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                                        J O U R N A L 1.0

          Continuing to store away my belongings, I reply, "Yeah, in here." Seconds later, a grinning Harry appeared in the doorway, sporting a simple ensemble; an all black shirt accompanied with a pair of grey sweats that clung dangerously low to his hips. His hair was slightly damp, but was slowly returning back to its curly state. My gaze was situated on his heavily inked arms; I wasn't aware he had so many. Although, I'm not complaining—the tattoos suited him very well.

          "Have you finished unpacking?" Harry inquired, leaning on the door frame.

          I shook my head, replying, "No, but I'm almost done. How was your shower?"

          "It was really wet."

          "I obviously know that," I started, rolling my eyes. "but how was it like—"

          "And hot."

          Harry snickered as I shook my head, replying, "I'm not asking you anymore questions."

          "May I come in?"

          I shrugged. "It's your home, Harry. Of course you can come in."

          Harry grinned as he entered filed into the room, both of his hands jammed into his pockets. I absolutely admired how deferential Harry was. It was delightful yet attractive in my opinion. Even when I read those two journal entries, he still managed to be fairly civil.

            Harry came and situated himself next to me in the 'criss cross applesauce' position. I peered up at him, smiling and he gladly returned the favor. Harry's beauty is absolutely astonishing; I've never seen anyone as handsome as him. I still craved to learn more about him, the things he's experienced and the only way I could discover all of this was to either ask him or read more of his journal.

          Although, his journal was quite the book. Did the entries continue getting more melancholy or do they better as they go on?

          "So," Harry started. "what would you like to do?"

          I sheepishly smiled, shrugging, "I don't know."

          "We can play a board game."

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