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                                        J O U R N A L 1.3


          I was already situated at the apartment sprawled out across the couch watching some show on Cartoon Network, a duvet wrapped around myself since it was rather chilly. I have to say, it was beyond boring whilst no one was here and especially without the company of Harry or that leather bound journal of his. A quiet sigh had escaped from my throat as I popped a Dorito into my mouth.

          After I had left the bakery with my desserts and sadly Zayn, he had walked me back to the apartment just to make sure I arrived here all in one piece.

          My phone had quivered in my hand causing me to jolt up in surprise. I unlocked it checking the notification I had received. It was a text message from my friend, Noelle.

          From Noelle 

          hey, what's up? (: 

          I smiled proceeding to reply to her text.

          To Noelle: 

          Ugh, literally nothing. I'm so bored. :( 

          From Noelle :

          i'm just at home relaxing & bored? with that harry guy? how are you guys? (: 

          To Noelle: 

          No, I'm bored bc he's not here & we're great. 

          From Noelle 

          aw, i want to meet him! you should bring him to work one day.

          To Noelle: 

          Okay, I will. 

          From Noelle 

          you like him? 

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