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                                        J O U R N A L 1.1


          I stumbled out of the bathroom unusually fatigued, although, I just finished freshening up; brushed my teeth, washed myself, fixed my hair. I grabbed my phone off of the charger, checking for any missed notifications. Sure enough, I did have a few—well if you want to classify five text messages and ten missed calls from Zayn a few, then so be it.

          I dialed his number, putting the device onto my ear. The other line had rang three times, before anyone had bothered to answer.

          "Why the hell haven't you been answering my calls?"

          I rolled my eyes, replying, "Hello to you too, Zayn."

          "I'm fucking serious, Océane." Zayn hissed through the line, his voice causing me to physically cringe at how vengeful it appeared to be. "Last night, I found out your dorm was being reconstructed on. Where the fuck are you?"

          I gulped, biting my lip. "I'm at a hotel."

          Zayn sighed, replying, "Océane, don't lie to me. Tell me where you are so I know you're safe."

          I returned the favor of his exasperated sigh. "Promise you won't get mad or tease me?"


          "Zayn! Come on now—"

          He chuckled. "Fine. I promise."

          "Okay so," I started whilst shutting my eyes for a moment. "I'm—I'm at Harry's house."

          There was a brief, awkward silence as I waited for Zayn to respond. "You're lying." He denied, bursting into hysterics. "You're lying! Are you fucking serious?"

          I reluctantly laughed along with him, replying, "Yes, I'm serious. I'm at his house."

          "Prove it."

          I scoffed whilst thrusting my free hand up into the air. "What do you mean 'prove it'? What do you want me to fucking do? Go take a selfie with him?"

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