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a/n: hi everyone! i just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who's reading, voting, and commenting. it honestly means a lot to me and the support motivates me to keep writing and coming up with more ideas for the story! i didn't think this story would get so many reads so thank you, seriously. i love you all! oh and i apologize for the horrid google translate haha x

                                        J O U R N A L 1.6


          "I-I'm sorry," Harry stammered whilst turning away from me. "that was stupid of me."

          I took a step towards him assuring, "Harry, you're fine. It's alright. I didn't mind." Of course you didn't. 

          He shook his head replying, "Okay, excuse me. I-I have to go get the um, front door." Harry swung open the door and quickly filed out of the bathroom leaving me aghast. Why'd he say all of those things as if the kiss was a mistake? Why is he acting this way? I thought we liked each other. He has no idea that you like him back, idiot. 

          Sighing, I exited the bathroom and along the way, several shivers erupted from my body. I entered the living room only to witness Harry and Louis conversing together. Why is Louis here and why is he here so early?

          "Harry, why are you wet and why are your lips so red—" I saw Louis' gaze land on myself and a smirk etched across his face. "Oh, that's why."

          As Harry leaned in to say something to Louis, I announced, "I'll be getting ready if anyone um, needs me." I quickly pivoted on the ball of my foot and started for my room. I entered the room closing the door and strolling into the en-suite bathroom, performing my usual routine; brushing my teeth and washing myself.

          I stepped out of the shower wrapping myself in a towel and exited the bathroom. I fished out some matching undergarments and threw them on, making my way towards my closet. I forced the doors open and walked into it.

          "Should I go with the light blue, pleaded skirt with the matching top or should I go with the velvet pleaded skirt with the black crop top?" I muttered to myself as I continuing to finger through the contents of the closet. "Maybe I should go with the neon orange dress with the suede boots. No, the magenta dress would go way better with the suede boots."

          After a few minutes of mindlessly having a conversation with myself on which outfit would look best, I finally decided on one. I squeezed into a white, petite body vest whilst shimmying on a pink high waist lace skirt, accompanied a black floral belt. Lastly, I put on my lace shoes and strolled over towards my mirror sitting down.

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