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                                        J O U R N A L 1.9


          Raucous and obnoxious chatter immediately surged  into my eardrums as I timidly filed into the dance studio. There also was a strong aroma of perspiration, perfume, and other feminine products circulating throughout the room—which didn't commingle very well together.

          "Océane!" A familiar yet sprightly voice screeched—Sarah. I watched as she bounded over towards me a wide grin conspicuous on her face. "You made it!"

          I nodded weakly smiling at her as I slipped off my grey sweats. "Yeah, I did."

          "Océane?" I heard yet another familiar voice call out, but instead of this tone of voice being vivacious, it was rather placid and nonchalant—Nora. I peered upwards to witness my former roommate, Nora strolling over towards Sarah and I. "Hey, long time no see! I miss you having you around."

          "Same here, Nora. Back in the old dorm?"

          She shook her head replying, "Nah, I was going to be alone since, you're staying with Sexy Styles over at his place!"

          "Yeah," Sarah added; that splay grin never fleeting from her facial features. "what's up with that? Have you guys did anything—if you're catching my drift."

          I sent both girls a coy, sheepish smile saying, "No, we haven't." I made sure that I left out the portion where Harry and I held a make out session in his bathroom. I surely didn't want a bunch of interrogatives being thrown at me and plus, I didn't know the two girls very well—I knew Nora for obvious reasons but, not so much Sarah.

          "You're so lucky!" Sarah squawked whilst Nora nodded in what seems like agreement. "You're friends with Zayn and basically Harry's girlfriend!"

          "I'm not Harry's girlfriend—"

          "Zayn, yeah?" Nora interrupts whilst smirking. "He's pretty hot. I also could see you guys together."

          A light blush splashed across Sarah's cheeks as she interjected, "No, no, no! I just think he's really attractive. That's all."

          In a simultaneous state, Nora and I replied, "He is."

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