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                                        J O U R N A L 0.2


          The school bell had rang, signifying that english class has ended and that the next set of classes will be starting in less than four minutes. Everyone had quickly filed out of the classroom in their same small clusters. Only this time, they were talking louder than when they had entered.

          Harry and I were the only two students who remained in the classroom, quietly waiting for the art class to start. On a occasion, I would glance over at Harry who was scribbling away in that journal of his. I wondered what he wrote about; he seemed so serious while doing so.

          I gazed at him for a longer period of time, until I felt a cold hand come in contact with my shoulder. Slightly startled, I swiftly turned around only to have a set of soft, sepia colored eyes staring into my own.

          "You scared me. Hi, Zayn." 

          "Hey. I see you're enjoying the view, yeah?" When he noticed my dazed expression, he gestured over towards Harry.

          "Well, I guess. I mean, I see nothing wrong with glancing over at someone. It's perfectly normal."

          "Gawking at someone on the verge of drooling is in fact, not normal." Zayn teased, causing me to groan aloud. 

          "I was not about to drool— "

          "I'm going to tell him you fancy him after class. See ya." He teased once more as he walked over towards his seat, which was situated at the back of the class.

          "Zayn, don't you dare! I don't even—you play too much!" I pouted as I turned around in my seat to face him. In return, he just stuck his tongue out and proceeded to take out his materials needed for the class. Turning back forward, I sighed and cast another tempting glance towards Harry.

          I noticed that he put his journal away and was currently picking away at his nails, seeming as if he was bored. He then started to pick at his pink, plump lips, quietly chuckling for whatever reason. Nonetheless, it was really attractive.

          A few more students filed into the classroom; majority of them doing a double take at Harry. Moments after, the bell had rung and that was Mr.David's cue to saunter into the classroom as he always did.

          "Good afternoon, class. So today, you will be painting or drawing what you feel at the moment. I've decided as of now for this assignment, that I will be assigning partners." I lightly sighed, already knowing that I wouldn't be partnered up with Zayn. I become really uncomfortable when I have to work with someone I have no background on. It's just insanely awkward for me and I scold myself every time for it.

          Mr.David then began to assign students their partners and I zoned out for a moment, until I heard Zayn's name being called.

          "Zayn, you'll be partnered up with Sarah." He scanned the room before announcing, "Lastly, Harry, you'll be partnered up with Océane. Alright! Get in your pairs and get to work, please!"

          Without looking up, I quickly stood up from my desk and proceeded to walk over toward Harry's desk. I bumped into someone on the way there.

          "Sorry." I apologized in a sheepish manner, mentally face palming myself for being so maladroit.

          "No, you're good." I quickly looked up only to see my partner; Harry Styles.

          I started to move the right, but it seems as if he did too. Then I moved over to my left and once again, he mirrored my movement. I let out fits of nervous laughter, trying to make it seem less awkward.

          "Are we going to my desk or yours?"



a/n: hi, hi.

okay so i finally updated, holla.

sorry for being a shitty writer and updater.

250+ reads, yay ty ty.

vote & comment ok

stay swaggy. xx

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