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                                        J O U R N A L 2.1


          After slipping on some fresh undergarments and clothing, I crept into Harry's room and placed his journal back onto the desk where he usually has it situated. I depart from the room and proceed towards the living and upon arrival, I witness Harry strung lethargically upon the couch engrossed in a book titled The Poisonwood Bible. I station myself at the entrance whilst dreaming observing Harry as he read about.

          "Bloody hell! He's absolutely terrible." He mutters to himself as his face contorts into utter disgust. "Hey, babe. Come sit with me." Harry acknowledges, continuing to read the content of his book. I stroll further into the room until I approach him and scan the couch for any vacant seats, but unfortunately, there isn't any. Well maybe because Harry's incredibly, long legs are consuming plurality of the couch.

          "Where am I supposed to sit? There's literally no room." Harry lowers the book from his gaze and shoots me a knowing expression as if I'm automatically supposed to know what he's hinting at. "What?"

          He gestures toward his lap replying, "Come sit." I gladly comply to his instruction, snuggling into him as he resumed reading his book. I briefly scanned  the words of the page and the story line immediately becomes confusing since I didn't read from the beginning.

          "What's this book about?" I inquire whilst burying my face into the crook of his neck. "Very confusing."

          Harry slightly tilts his head and plants a tiny kiss on my forehead. "It's about a missionary family in the Congo. It's pretty interesting." We remained like this for a while and it was quite relaxing. Occasionally, I would gently kiss along Harry's jawline and he would squirm about, quietly chuckling. He would then reach his hand down towards my side and pinch, causing me to complain and tug on his curls. "Stop pulling my hair!"

          "Then stop pinching me, stupid!" The both of us exchanges awkward glances before erupting into laughter and falling silent moments afterward. Harry's phone vibrated against the coffee table and he reached over to retrieve it. As he returned into his previous position, the both of us were gazing at his phone screen checking out the notification which was a text from Francesca. "Gross." I cringe. "What the hell does she want?"

          He unlocks his phone and read the text which read:

          From Unknown Number:

          hey there cutie!!! ;)

          Before Harry could even respond to the text, Francesca had sent another.

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