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                                        J O U R N A L 0.4


          "Alright, class is about to be dismissed. If you would, please turn in your canvases with your paintings before you exit the room." Mr.David informed. On cue, the school bell bellowed loudly throughout the corridors and classrooms, plurality of the students quickly turning in their canvases and leaving the classroom in a complete uproar; probably elated that the school day has finally came to an end.

          I had retrieved the canvas that Harry and I painted on and proceeded to give it to the teacher, but someone had captured it from my grasp causing me to immediately turn around, alarmed.


          "Océane?" Harry mocked as a playful smirk tugged at his lips. I liked the way my name rolled off of his tongue. He pronounced it so clearly and his drawl made it sound more than lovely. "I'm going to take the painting up. You can go ahead and leave."

          I half smiled at his kind gesture and replied, "Oh, um thanks. You really didn't have to."

          "Well, I did. Do you stay in the dorms here?" 

          I nodded. "Yeah, why?" 

          Harry simply shrugged, his curls slightly bouncing due to his movement. "Nothing, just wondering."

          "Um, okay. Don't forget your journal before you leave. It's on the desk. Yeah, um, see you later." 

          "Oh, thank you! I was totally about to forget it. See you around, Océane." I sent him a small, awkward wave before exiting the classroom, quickly making my way towards my dorm room.

          As I was strolling down the corridor, a cold hand had grasped onto my shoulder causing me to jump, startled.

          "Zayn, you seriously have to stop doing that." I whined whilst turning around, facing him. An amused expression was conspicuous on his face, seeming as if he enjoyed watching me cower down in fear.

          He quietly chuckled. "Sorry. It's just fun seeing you jump like that." In response, I just rolled my eyes. "Anyways, did you tell Harry that you like him?"

          I closed my eyes for a brief moment, slightly irritated. "Why on earth would I tell him that? I don't even like him. I just think he's rather um, cute."

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