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a/n: this will be a filler chapter. also in this chapter, a game called 'cards against humanity' will be played. if you never heard of the game nor played it, i suggest that you take this time to look it up before reading the chapter to prevent confusion. if you choose not to, the instructions will be present in the story itself. i hope you all will enjoy. (: x 

                                        J O U R N A L 1.8


          [ Three days later ]

          A whole three days had gone by since the incident at Starbucks had occurred and since then, Harry hasn't conversed with anyone; not Louis, Zayn, Noelle, or myself. It was as if he was in a interminable yet repetitive cycle of some sort that contained of him waking up, consuming breakfast, going to classes (if necessary), working, returning home, cleansing himself, and retiring to bed.

          I've also noticed that he's been writing in his journal more often and I've been longing to read what's been written inside. I just want to know he's writing—what his mindset is like at the moment because contained in those entries, maybe a solution that can help lighten his mood.

          But apart of me wants to desist from reading Harry's most personal and private thoughts anymore. When Francesca was tossing through the pages of his journal as if it were her daily magazine, his response stunned me. I didn't realize that Harry could become so choleric and indignant towards an individual, but I don't blame him though. If someone treated my valuable possessions with such haphazardness and unconcern, I would flip my shit as well.

          After Harry's departure from the café, I placed myself at a vacant booth table alongside of Noelle and Zayn. I ended up explaining to the both of them about how I would underhandedly reads Harry's journal and I didn't hesitate to eludicate what the entries were about. Of course I was lightly scolded by the pair for my crude actions, but they were more than proud that I defended Harry. I was glad that I came to Harry's defense as well; Francesca needed to know that she crossed the line and I was definitely going to be the individual that put back in her place.

          It was currently 5:15P/M and tryouts for the Prancing Tigresses were today. As I was making preparations for the tryouts, I thought about how I was going to arrive at the studio since I didn't have any definite options transportation wise. Zayn and Noelle were out working their shifts and I surely didn't want to bother Harry in the sullen state he was currently in. I sort of wished that I worked during the same shift as Noelle today because, she would've driven me to the studio without any hesitation.

          I hurriedly slipped on a loose top with the sleeves completely removed accompanied with a pair of black spandex and I pulled some grey sweats over them. I slung my Nike sports bag over my shoulder whilst jamming my feet into a pair of converse. I grabbed my phone and departed from the room closing the door afterwards. I stalked into the living room deciding that I should just be a woman and ask Harry to drive me to the studio where the tryouts were taking place.

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